2003-2004 Goals

GOALS COSW Committee(s) Partners
Ensure all current employees of the University complete the Sexual Harassment Training Program;advocate for sexual harassment training at appropriate levels for all students. Executive
Faculty Climate
Staff Climate
Student Climate

Student Climate
VP Adm. (including Human Resources)

Student Affairs
Lobby for childcare choices for University employees and students.
Childcare Student Climate
VP Adm. (including Human Resources)
Student Affairs
Faculty Senate
Staff Senate
Faculty Climate
Staff Climate
Student Climate
College of Education & Human Development
Institutionalize the work of the PEACC Program (Prevention, Education, and
Advocacy on Campus and in the Community).
Executive PEACC
PEACC Oversight Committee

Women’s Center
Student Affairs
Dept. of Public Safety
Monitor data on faculty and staff regarding hiring, retention, and promotion to ensure continuing efforts toward an equitable work environment.


Staff Climate
Faculty Climate
Commission on Div. & Racial Equality
Staff and Faculty Senates
Human Resources
Review the progress made in addressing the 1994 Report of the Task Force on the Status of Women, and report on newly emergent issues affecting the status of women at the University.


Revise COSW Bylaws. Ad Hoc Bylaws Revision
Partner with the Kentucky Commission on Women, the Governor’s Office of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Services, and the University of Kentucky President’s Commission on Women to implement recommendations of the Governor’s Task Force on the Economic Status of Kentucky’s Women. All


Women's Center