Programs and Events
Lead for the Future allows you to come to UofL and go through a day in the life of students in specific majors. LEADs are normally held on Friday mornings and give you the opportunity to see the campus, speak with students, and ask questions about your major.
Majors Fair – if you aren’t sure what you should major in the UofL Majors Fair can help you decide. At the fair a representative from every college within the university will be all in one place so that you can see what is possible at UofL and exactly how to do it.
Transfer Day is the best way to avoid paying the UofL application fee! When you’re close to completing your Associates degree or are ready to transfer you can attend Transfer Day. Admissions counselors will be on site to give you an INSTANT admissions decision. You’ll need an OFFICIAL transcript from any colleges or universities that you’ve attended, but you’ll have an admissions decision that day!
Metroversity allows you to take up to two classes per semester at UofL for the Jefferson tuition rate. This is a great way to knock out some higher level courses and get a feel for the University all before you transfer! As an ULtra student, you will have access to register for Metroversity weeks before other Jefferson students.