Office of Research and Innovation
University of Louisville
Louisville, Ky. 40202
502.852.6512, 502.852.2594 (Fax)
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The University of Louisville ExCITE (Expediting Commercialization, Innovation, Translation, and Entrepreneurship) program supports faculty, staff, and students who want to take the ground-breaking, healthcare-related work they do in their labs to the marketplace.
UofL ExCITE does this by:
ExCITE technologies must originate from the University of Louisville and focus on healthcare-related technologies. See the "Applications Process” and “FAQ” pages for more information on qualifying technologies.
The ExCITE program is funded through the National Institute of Health’s Research Evaluation and Commercialization Hub (REACH) program. The goal of the program is to support proof-of-concept centers (hubs) that facilitate and accelerate the translation of biomedical innovations into commercial products that improve patient care and enhance health.
The long-term goals of the program are to foster commercialization success, economic development and entrepreneurial culture change at each hub institution.