Faith-based RSOs at University of Louisville
For many students, attending college marks the first time away from their home or religious community. This can be a unique time of asking questions, seeking new answers to old questions, and developing a faith community apart from your family. No matter your faith tradition, you can find a faith-based recognized student organization (RSO) on campus to help you grow in or explore your beliefs. You can find a comprehensive list of RSOs in Engage. These other places of worship are near campus and/or are representative of the diverse faith communities in Louisville.
Prayer/Meditation Spaces on Campus
The University of Louisville supports students who would like to use spaces throughout the campus for prayer or meditation. During spring break, the hours will vary. The SAC will be open 7am – 8pm The following are available:
- Prayer/meditation room in the Student Activities Center, W303E. The room is down the hall from the Free Store and past the lockers. The door will be unlocked whenever the SAC is open. Contact Brittany Wildman for more information.
- Prayer/meditation room at the Interfaith Center, open M-Th (8am-5pm) and F (8am-12:30pm). Contact Laura Makin for more information.
- UofL Cultural Center has a couple rooms that are available. Contact Marian Vasser for more information.
- The University Libraries offers several spaces, including one on the HSC campus.
- Additional spaces TBA
Ramadan and Dining Services
- Eiffel Pizza is fully halal and serves pizza, pasta, burgers, and more. Open 10am-10pm.
- The Prime Grill serves a vegetarian option. Open M-F, 10am – 5pm.
- Freshens has vegetarian options. Open M-F, 10am - 6:30pm.
- The Ville Grill has a halal option for dinner. Open M-F, 7am – 8pm; S and Su, 10am – 8pm. The halal station will be clearly marked. Students can use a provided reusable to-go container..
- Eiffel Pizza - daily, 10am – 10pm.
- UTA Pod offers vegetarian options. open M-Th, 8:30am – 11:30pm; and Sun. noon – 10pm.
- Zoca offers halal chicken and vegetarian options, open M-Th, 4pm-midnight and F-Su, 5 – 10pm.
Religious Life Association
The Religious Life Association (RLA) is a diverse group of faith-based RSOs with religious advisors/campus ministers who come alongside students to provide mentorship and spiritual direction. We share with the University of Louisville a commitment to the pursuit of a vibrant campus life and the holistic development of persons: spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. If you have questions, email Brian Hinton, the RLA convener, or Heather Gentry, the university liaison to the RLA.
Across Campus
The purpose of Across Campus is to provide an avenue for students to explore who Jesus is. We intend to do this through weekly gatherings on campus, small group Bible studies, fun events on campus, and more. There is no official "membership" in Across Campus - just show up! Find us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!
Baha'i Campus Association
The Baha'i Campus Association's purpose is to bring people of all backgrounds together in a spirit of fellowship and unity to play a part in the betterment of the world. Some activities include learning seminars, community service, interfaith devotionals, and Ruhi study circles. Membership is open to all and is not confined to the members of the Baha'i Faith.
Baptist Campus Ministry
The Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM) is a Christian organization providing opportunities for Christian growth and fellowship. It also seeks to be a witness for Jesus Christ on campus. The BCM is not a club with membership requirements or dues. People become involved by participating in programs interesting to them. Everyone is invited to be involved in any program!

Black Diamond Choir
The Black Diamond Choir is meant to engage students in a productive & enjoyable environment, where their vocal abilities are developed and advanced, where they are effectively demonstrating and performing gospel music, and where long lasting friendships are developed. BDC opens the door for members to explore the unique art and history of gospel music, while building strong relationships with one another.

Bless Your Spirit
Bless Your Spirit is an organization whose mission is to place christian principles into programs that offer healing for the soul and is using holistic approaches to bring community and build connections on a deeper level. Bless Your Spirit is here to empower the mind, body, and spirit of all women and men.
Catholic Campus Ministry
The Catholic Campus Ministry at UofL is a Newman Center - a place to encounter the love of Jesus Christ, go to Mass on Sundays and during the week, hang out, have a free dinner, meet new friends, and learn more about the Bible and living out our faith. We carry on the tradition of student centered ministry begun by Cardinal Newman in 1851. We also treasure our uniquely Roman Catholic spiritual heritage centered on the Eucharist, the compatibility of faith and reason, community, mission, and service. The community gathers for Mass each Sunday at 5:00 PM in the Interfaith Center followed by a community dinner, and there are student-led small groups, Bible studies, and social activities throughout the week and hikes, retreats, conferences, and trips each semester to help you grow closer to God and your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Christian Legal Society
The Christian Legal Society (“CLS”) is an Illinois non-profit corporation with its principal offices in Springfield, Virginia, that exists to inspire, encourage, and equip lawyers and law students, both individually and in the community, to proclaim, love and serve Jesus Christ through the study and practice of law, the defense of religious freedom, and the provision of legal assistance to the poor.
Christian Medical Dental Association
We exist to train and equip medical and dental students to be Christian doctors and dentists.
Cogic Campus Ministries
Cogic Campus Ministries is an organization created for college students that share the same faith to meet and form habit forming positive relationships weekly and grow in the knowledge of their faith while also participating in community and world wide missions work.
Cru (the U.S. ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ) is a caring community passionate about connecting students to Jesus Christ. We want to join you as you face life's biggest questions: what is the meaning of life, what is my purpose, who is God, what happens after death, and more through studying the Bible and meaningful conversations in the context of authentic friendships. We don't have a formal membership process, so those who come to our events are our members. Everyone is welcome to join!

Delight Ministries
Delight seeks to establish a college women’s community that grows together, serves together, learns together, and does life together while chasing the heart of God. Delight is intentional about learning from one another through stories and experiences while potentially discovering or continuing to grow in relationships with Christ.
Episcopal Lutheran Ministry
The Episcopal Lutheran Ministry at U of L is a Christian group that welcomes everybody, regardless of religious affiliation, including those with no religious background at all. ELM invites members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies to build lasting friendships, ask questions, and support one another on our spiritual journeys.
The Good Samaritan Club
The Good Samaritan Club is named after the Samaritan that Jesus mentioned in a parable as an example of a good neighbor. As a man was lying half dead on the road, only the Good Samaritan demonstrated God's love by sacrificing his time and effort for the stranger others avoided. For the Good Samaritan, no cost was too great to save the man's life. Through this good deed, we can also learn how to be good neighbors. In other words, loving your neighbor is the same as becoming like the Good Samaritan.
The Good Samaritan Club members aim to practice Christ's example of love. We're making every effort to save the lives of our neighbors through volunteer work and Bible studies!

Hillel of Louisville
The Jewish organization for students, where all are welcome. Hillel is a nation wide organization promoting Jewish involvement on campus and in the community.
Ignite is campus ministry at UofL. We're a place to belong for anyone and everyone. Introverts and extroverts. Athletes and students. Church-goers and people who've never been to church. We host worships nights, bible studies and parties on campus! Our mission is to help UofL students take their first step or next step with Jesus.
Immanuel College Collective
The purpose of this organization is to help foster student flourishing through reaching, engaging and discipling students with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Latter-day Saint Student Association
The Latter-Day Saint Student Association (Institute) invites all to balance their secular education with their spiritual endeavors. Each semester, we offer scripture study classes and activities which allow for learning, fun and fellowship with like-minded students. Our constant focus is on Jesus Christ and the gospel that He has restored.
Saving Our Students
Saving Our Students is a faith-based RSO that supports the campus community through student engagement, by equipping students with skills, tools, and knowledge for educational excellence and spiritual success.

Sojourn College
Sojourn College is a movement of the students at Sojourn Church Midtown on mission to bring the gospel to the university community of Louisville. We seek to fill up our campuses with gritty disciple-makers.
Muslim Student Association
Established in January 1963, the Muslim Student Association of the U.S. & Canada (MSA National) continues to serve Muslim students during their college and university careers by facilitating their efforts to establish, maintain and develop local MSA chapters. First established on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by a conference of Muslim students from around the U.S. and Canada, MSA National has been a uniting forum for Muslim students from diverse backgrounds for over four decades. It continues its mission of meeting the needs of our Muslim youth on campus with the zeal and energy of the Muslim students. The MSA chapter at UofL strives to allow Muslim students to gather and create lasting bonds through religious functions, community volunteer initiatives, and social events.
University Bible Fellowship at Louisville
University Bible Fellowship (UBF) is an international evangelical church (non-denominational) and network of house churches dedicated to Christ and his kingdom. Our main focus is to study the Bible, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and live according to his teachings. We especially pray to reach college students and help them grow as his lifelong disciples. Our goal is to obey our Lord’s commands to love one another and to go and make disciples of all nations (Jn 13:34; Mt 28:18-20). We pray that God may continue to call and raise lay missionaries through us and send them to the ends of the earth (Ac 1:8).
The Wesley Foundation at U of L
We are a campus ministry that exists to care for the spiritual and physical needs of students on campus. We believe that life is better connected.