UofL’s online MAT in IECE is available as both an alternative certificate and traditional degree. The traditional degree does not grant you the provisional certificate required to begin teaching immediately.
Ideal for those who want to begin their work as a teacher immediately, the alternative certification is a 30-credit hour program that will grant you with a temporary, provisional certification.
EDSP 532 Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Curriculum
Research-based approaches to planning and implementing developmentally appropriate standards-based classroom activities, lessons, and materials that develop literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies learning in young children birth through age five. Also includes examination of contemporary early childhood curricula and approaches appropriate for children from diverse cultural backgrounds.
EDSP 515 Communication and Socialization in Early Childhood
Research-based approaches to supporting the communication and social skills of young children, including those with disabilities or delays.
EDSP 533 Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum
Exploration of curricular approaches and teaching strategies appropriate for inclusive early childhood classroom. Includes research-based approaches on blended practices for planning and implementing developmentally appropriate standards-based classroom activities, lessons, and materials that develop cross-curricular content learning in young children birth through age five.
EDSP 534 Inclusive Early Childhood Curriculum Field Experience
Field experience observing and working in early childhood and inclusive classroom settings.
EDSP 683 Early Childhood Special Education Assessment
Identification and assessment of children with special needs, ages birth to five.
EDSP 583 Early Childhood Special Education Assessment
Identification and assessment of children 0-5 with special needs, as well as theory and practice of educational decision-making based on assessment data.
EDSP 584 Families and Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
Research based approaches to supporting families in providing interventions to infants and toddlers, working with families of preschoolers, and collaborating with other professionals and paraprofessionals.
EDSP 585 Families and Collaboration in IECE: Field Experience
Field experience in home, agency or school settings where the student will observe, assist, assess, and instruct infants and toddlers with identified special needs.
EDSP 614 Student Teaching: Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
Supervised observation, participation, and teaching full-time in a pre-school setting for a minimum of seven weeks.
EDTP 615 Student Teaching:Elementary School
Approximately 15 weeks of full day co-teaching in an Elementary School setting with a placement in primary grades and a placement in intermediate grades.
EDSP 627 Practicum for Alternative Certification
This course meets off campus and consists of mentoring and supervision by a University mentor. The program coordinator oversees the practicum.
EDTP 678 Supporting the Second Year Alternative Certification Teacher I
This seminar course provides cohort members deeper knowledge about implementation of instruction, assessment, collaboration, classroom climate, and personal/professional growth.
EDTP 679 Supporting the Second Year Alternative Certification Teacher II
This seminar provides second-year alternative certification teacher candidates extended knowledge of current practice in selected areas, such as the Learner and Learning, Instructional Practices, Content and Professional Responsibility