The MEd in Special Education is a 36 credit hour program. The curriculum you will follow is determined by your concentration.
Entry, midpoint and exit assessments are also required for graduation.
EDSP 512 Methods for Students with Learning and Behavior Disorders
Provides an overview of instructional methodology used to teach students with Learning and Behavior Disorders.
EDSP 516 Assessment Procedures for Students with Learning & Behavior Disorders
Analyzes and evaluates the assessment procedures for children with learning disabilities in academic and social settings.
EDSP 518 Structured Literacy for Diverse Learners*
This course addresses evidence-based methods and strategies used to teach literacy skills to diverse learners. Prepares candidates to teach the five components of reading through explicit systematic and sequential instruction.
EDSP 520 Assessment of Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities
Addresses knowledge and skills needed to conduct assessment procedures, interpret data and use assessment data in educational decision-making for students with moderate/severe disabilities in a legal and ethical manner.
EDSP 540 Introduction to Exceptional Children
A survey course designed to acquaint students with all types of exceptional children - physically and mentally handicapped, socially and emotionally disturbed, and the gifted; methods of adapting education to meet the needs of these children.
EDSP 546 Behavior Analytic Approach to Communication
This course prepares practitioners to use principles of ABA to assess and teach communication skills to individuals with disabilities and develop knowledge of current AAC technology and assessment procedures.
EDSP 570 Autism: Introduction and Understanding
Increase understanding of individuals with Autism/Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) across the life-span. Characteristics of this population, namely communication, social and behavioral attributes will be examined as they are manifested across all ages in the context of the family and community. Historical, diagnostic, and identification issues will be addressed.
EDSP 594 Foundational Concepts in Intellectual and Physical Disabilities
This course provides an overview of characteristics associated with intellectual and physical disabilities.Students will learn to establish support systems for addressing the educational and health needs of these learners.
EDSP 609 Moderate/Severe Disabilities Curriculum and Methods I
Design and implementation of curriculum for students with moderate/severe disabilities through individual and group instructional plans using a variety of systematic instruction procedures to teach discrete and chained tasks/behaviors.
EDSP 611 Moderate/Severe Disabilities Methods II
Design and implementation of instruction based on alternate achievement of grade level academic standards that meet the needs of students with moderate/severe disabilities within special education and collaborative classroom settings.
EDSP 627 Applications of Assistive Technology
Designed to provide professionals information about the latest advances in assistive technology for students with learning, visual, hearing and multiple disabilities. Provided on the web. CyberLessons are provided as well as CD supplemental materials, demonstrations, and required readings will be combined to provide a basic foundation of skills.
EDSP 635 Moderate and Severe Disabilities Practicum
A field-based developing-teacher experience that provides active classroom involvement with students diagnosed with moderate, severe, or multiple disabilities while under the supervision of trained educators and University faculty.
EDSP 639 Research Analysis in Special Education
Analysis of research in special education relative to methodology and current research efforts in the field. Consideration given to understanding research design and the reading of research studies.
EDSP 644 Applied Behavior Analysis
Field experience in school settings where the student will observe, assist, assess, and instruct students with learning and behavioral disorders.
EDSP 645 Learning and Behavior Disorders Practicum
Students explore the principles and procedures in the field of applied behavior analysis. Observational methods, single subject designs, and behavior promotion, reduction, and generalization strategies are reviewed in relation to the needs of students with disabilities. Participants are required to develop individual project proposals that demonstrate their ability to design, implement, and evaluate behavioral programs in an effective and ethically responsive manner.
EDSP 647 Teaching Mathematics to Students with Disabilities
Successful performance on the Mathematics Qualifying Assessment Test or C+ or higher on MATH 151 or MATH 152.
EDSP 650 Behavior Assessment
The content in this course addresses advanced principles of applied behavior analysis and their application within various applied contexts. Students will conduct behavior change projects and analyze their effectiveness.
EDSP 652 Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention
This course will teach students to design, work within, and evaluate academic and behavior systems across the entire school to prevent student failures in both the academic and behavior realms.
EDSP 645 Learning and Behavior Disorders Practicum
Field experience in school settings where the student will observe, assist, assess, and instruct students with learning and behavioral disorders.
EDSP 669 Single Subject Research Methods and Designs
Students will learn principles and methods of designing single subject research in educational settings and are required to design and defend a research proposal.
EDSP 675 Characteristics, Needs, and Responses to Students with EBD
Study and application of principles appropriate for the education and management of behavior disorder children in the regular classroom.