blue now
now but earlier
the mountains glowed
the mountains pink
pink the moon close
to full close
to this living
rock in the relative
distances of its ellipse
its yawning oval
its tilted spiltcircle
whirl and i a tempo
rarily animated frag
ment stepping oh
oh over boulders
bold or stand under sky
no step footstep
past dead thorned branches unhitching
from fabric stretch ahead to the next
wet stone to the next sea
kissed rock slosh
to the left twig tangle
to the right rocks drop into be
yond the reaching
steps on stones in time
onto sand
seasoaked receding
receiving foot sin
king sinking at each
step and the old
lady behind me
shouting arms wa
ving in the air
you did it you did
it and i did
but there was
another stretch
of ocean against
rock to clamber
over under
the dimming dome in
the darkening air and i made a way
i cannot call mine over that
rockreach too but
beyond her elated
it was some act no
one wit
nessed a nest of experiences lost
that might some day
hold an egg or two a clutch
in a roost a clasp
on a boot and
maybe wings will
fallow then follow wind and arc
above and away and ah
ah a way