blue lives matter series

My work amplifyies ideas about the black experience in our society. I focus on the themes that affect my community: class, race, police brutality, corrupt government, death, and other issues, to show the way in which black men and women are made targets, and to find a way to celebrate the lives of these under-represented individuals.

BUGZDALE (also known as Anthony Jackson) is from Mandeville Jamaica and grew up in New York City. Bugzdale graduated from the University of Albany with his MFA in May 2020. He's currently located in the Upstate New York and the New York City area, residing in Queens where he is currently in a residency working with the Jamaica Center for arts and Learning. Bugzdale is versed in different mediums but is currently concentrating in Painting and Drawing. Bugzdale had his first solo exhibition in May 2022 called Community located in Lake George Courthouse Gallery. Bugzdale has also shown his work in several group shows over the years, some of his most recent shows were located in the Capital region of Upstate New York. The shows being his MFA Thesis show Located at the University of Albany Art Museum, Infinite Uncertainty located at Russell Sage College Opalka Gallery, and The Other Virus Exhibit located at Second ST. Studios. Bugzdale is currently in an ongoing show since 2018 located in Albany called Seeking Sanctuary; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness with the Underground Railroad history project of the capital region.