Kaylee Raymer

Kaylee Raymer is a 1L who is passionate about criminal justice reform, indigent defense, due process for immigrants, restorative justice initiatives and a host of other social justice issues. Kaylee holds a bachelor's degree in Peace and Social Justice from Berea College. While at Berea, Kaylee served as a Bonner Scholar and worked in the Center for Excellence in Learning through Service (CELTS). At CELTS, Kaylee assisted in the planning and execution of campus-wide awareness programs. Kaylee was responsible for taking students on volunteer trips to local non-profits and organized the daily events for the 2016 National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. Kaylee also spent six months serving as an Attorney Case Support Intern at public defender offices in Greensboro, North Carolina, and Richmond, Kentucky. In her free time, Kaylee enjoys Zumba, kayaking and reading.