Russian Studies Minor

Russian Studies (Minor)

This program was approved for students entering the university in the Summer 2024–Spring 2025 catalog year. For more information about catalog year, go to Catalog Year Information.

Minor in Russian Studies
Unit: College of Arts and Sciences (AS)
Department: Classical and Modern Languages 
Academic Plan Code(s): RUSTMINOR

Program Requirements

RUSS 123Intermediate Russian4
RUSS 321Russian Reading, Conversation, and Composition I3
RUSS 322Russian Reading, Conversation, and Composition II3
Select three of the following courses: 9
Russian (RUSS) courses at the 300-400 level
M L 313
Special Topics in Language, Literature, or Culture
M L 353
Russian Literature of the Nineteenth Century - WR
M L 354
Russian Literature of the Twentieth Century - WR
M L 561
Masterpieces of Russian Literature
HIST 363
Russian History I
HIST 364
Russian History II
HIST 385
Russian Cultural History - WR
HUM 381
Russian Culture
POLS 345
Russia and Eurasia - WR
Minimum Total Hours19

At least three (3) semester hours of the requirements for a minor must be successfully completed while enrolled in the University of Louisville.