Measuring What Matters Most with Dr. Jillian Kinzie
An interactive workshop for department and program leaders on crafting program-level student learning outcomes, measuring learning and closing the loop to know if you are making a difference.

Co-sponsored by the Office of Academic Planning and Accountability and Ideas to Action
Date: Tuesday, August 7
Registration & Breakfast: 8:30–9 a.m.
Workshop: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Location: SAC Multi-Purpose Room
Would you like to have a national expert assist you with the refinement or development of your program-level Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)?
Dr. Jillian Kinzie, associate director at the NSSE Institute and research associate at the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), will facilitate this workshop to help participants place the "distinct imprint of the discipline" on their SLOs. Examples of SLOs from UofL and other institutions will be integrated throughout the workshop. The workshop include interactive content discussion and allow time for actual development and/or refinement of program-level SLOs.
The primary audience for the workshop is:
- Chairs and associate deans who complete the university’s annual SLO report.
- Directors and staff in student affairs and co-curricular departments who have responsibility for and/or interest in program-level SLOs.
Please note there are a limited number of spaces available for faculty and staff who are interested in learning about program-level SLOs. Admission is free to UofL faculty and staff.
Workshop Outcomes
After participation in the workshop, individuals will be able to:
- Articulate essential characteristics of program-level SLOs.
- Practice writing and revising program-level SLOs.
- Describe the utility of different measures for program-level SLOs.
- Identify strategies for "closing the loop" with SLO data.
- Develop new or revise existing program-level SLOs.
About Dr. Kinzie
Jillian Kinzie (Associate Director, Center for Postsecondary Research & NSSE Institute) coordinates the NSSE Institute project activities. Her PhD is from Indiana University in higher education with a minor in women's studies. Jillian comes to the NSSE staff from the faculty at IU where she coordinated the master's program in higher education and student affairs from 2000-2002.
She has more than a decade of additional experience as a research associate and administrative work in academic and student affairs.
Jillian's research interests include college choice, first year student development, teaching and learning in college, access and equity, and women in underrepresented fields.