Critical Thinking Workshops with Dr. Diane Halpern
Ideas to Action (i2a) Welcomed Renowned Psychologist and Critical Thinking Expert Dr. Diane Halpern
Thanks to the faculty and staff who participated in making Dr. Halpern’s visit to the University of Louisville a success! See below to access her workshop materials.
How to Make Learning Stick: Applications from the Science of Learning
Thursday, September 20,2012 | 9:00 a.m.–noon
This session focused on the science of learning and provided the opportunity to apply empirically-validated principles to participants' own work with students and colleagues as a way of building an effective learning-centered institution.
Presentation [PPSX] - 25 Principles Handout [PDF]
Teaching and Assessing Critical Thinking: Helping College Students Become Better Thinkers
Friday, September 21, 2012 | 9:00 a.m.–noon
The data are clear: we can teach critical thinking skills so that they generalize across domains and last long into the future. During this session, we discussed ways to enhance critical thinking for college students. Participants identified the critical thinking skills they wanted to develop in their classes and created a plan so that these skills are practiced throughout the curriculum.
Presentation [PPSX] - CT Handout [PDF]
201 Miller Information Technology Center (MITC), Belknap campus.
About Dr. Halpern

Diane F. Halpern, Ph.D. is a past-president of the American Psychological Association, the largest psychological association in the world with over 150,000 members and affiliates in 80 countries. Diane is also a past-president for the Western Psychological Association, The Society for General Psychology, and the Society for the Teaching of Psychology. She is the McElwee Family Professor of Psychology and was the founding Director of the Berger Institute for Work, Family, and Children at Claremont McKenna College. Diane has published hundreds of articles and many books including, Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking (5th Ed. coming soon!); Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities (4th ed.), and Women at the Top: Powerful Leaders Tell Us How to Combine Work and Family (co-authored with Fanny Cheung). Her other recent books include Psychological Science (4th ed. with Michael Gazzaniga and Todd Heatherton) and the edited book, Undergraduate Education in Psychology: A Blueprint for the Future of the Discipline.
Diane has won many awards for her teaching and research, including the 2013 James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award from the American Psychological Society for "a lifetime of outstanding contributions to applied psychological research," Outstanding Professor Award from the Western Psychological Association, the American Psychological Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching, the Distinguished Career Award for Contributions to Education given by the American Psychological Association, the California State University’s State-Wide Outstanding Professor Award, the Outstanding Alumna Award from the University of Cincinnati, the Silver Medal Award from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, the Wang Family Excellence Award, and the G. Stanley Hall Lecture Award from the American Psychological /Volumes/NO%20NAME/Halpern%20PhotosAssociation. Diane’s most recent projects are the development of a computerized learning game that teaches critical thinking and scientific reasoning (with Keith Millis at Northern Illinois University and Art Graesser at University of Memphis, available from Pearson Publishers; and the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment (Schuhfried Publishers; that uses multiple response formats, which allow test takers to demonstrate their ability to think about everyday topics using both constructed response and recognition formats.