MGMT 201: Business Statistics — University of Louisville Ideas To Action

MGMT 201: Business Statistics

Lynn Boyd, Ph.D.

Spring 2009 i2a Faculty Learning Community on Critical Thinking (FLC-CT)

Dr. Boyd completed this project as part of the Spring 2009 FLC-CT. As a result of his participation, he restructured his approach to teaching his course. Though he previously included students’ understanding of the various concepts as part of his goals for the course, he became more explicit and intentional in how he conveyed this. For Dr. Boyd, it was a difference in teaching a concept versus teaching a formula.

A prime example of Dr. Boyd’s approach to instruction can be seen in his use of the SEE-I method to clarify and assess his students' grasp of the concepts in his course. View Dr. Boyd’s SEE-I for clarifying the concept of a statistical mean for his students [PDF].

During the Spring 2009 semester, Dr. Boyd also chose to introduce his students to the Intellectual Traits of the Paul-Elder framework of critical thinking. View the Intellectual Traits Inventory he provided his students [PDF].

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