ENGR 100: Introduction to Engineering — University of Louisville Ideas To Action

ENGR 100: Introduction to Engineering

Jim Lewis, Ph.D.

Fall 2008 i2a Faculty Learning Community on Critical Thinking (FLC-CT)

As a result of participating the Fall 2008 Faculty Learning Community on Critical Thinking (FLC-CT), Professor Lewis restructured his course to incorporate aspects of the Paul-Elder framework for critical thinking. In thinking through his course design, he choose to focus his efforts on restructuring his assignments so that he was more clear and precise in conveying how he wanted his students to perform. Additionally, he instituted the use of pre- and post-testing with an assessment meant to gauge the impact of the newly revised assignments on the student’s understanding of critical thinking as well as their ability to apply the concepts of critical thinking.

View an example of Professor Lewis’ Original and Revised case study questions [PDF].

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