ENGL 301: British Literature I — University of Louisville Ideas To Action

ENGL 301: British Literature I

Julia Dietrich, Ph.D.

Spring 2008 i2a Faculty Learning Community on Critical Thinking (FLC-CT) - Pilot Program

Dr. Dietrich completed this project as part of the Spring 2008 FLC-CT. Dr. Dietrich has been teaching ENG 301 regularly since 1979. Over this period, her syllabus for the course has changed. As a direct result of her participation in the i2a FLC-CT she revised the ENG 301 syllabus to use the Elements of Thought to guide students' reading of the texts and use the Intellectual Standards to guide students' development of an argument for the essay test. She also changed the wording of questions given to students on essay assignments.

Examples of revisions to ENGL 301

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