日本語による健康情報サイト一覧 - Health Information – Japanese







Welcome to the Color of Health

website sponsored by the

University of Louisville School of Nursing


This site is designed to provide health education and information to those whose primary language is not English.

Additionally, you will find in these pages, links to resources that are relevant to those living in the Louisville Metro community.

As a citizen of the larger community, the emphasis of the School of Nursing is to address the complex health needs of diverse and dynamic populations through nursing education, research, scholarship and service.

Through this site, we hope to increase access to healthcare informationand resources in order to decrease many of the health risks for individuals and families.
















How to Use this Site


The Color of Health website is designed to help you better understand health and the resources available to help you make healthcare decisions. By using this site, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the terms of use. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these terms at any time.



Terms of Use





The information available through the Color of Health site is for your information only. Nothing contained on the website is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. The information on this website should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat a medical condition.


Each person is unique. It is important that you see your healthcare provider to understand what is best for you. The information on this website is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your healthcare provider. By using this site, you assume full responsibility for the appropriate use of the information contained on the website and assume all risks thereof.





For your convenience, we included links to healthcare web resources. The linked websites are not under Color of Health control. Color of Health is not responsible for the content of any linked website, or any link contained on a linked website. Color of Health does not endorse any linked website or any information, products or services contained on these sites.


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The information available through the Color of Health site is the property of University of Louisville School of Nursing and Color of Health, or its licensors and is protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.


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ケンタッキー州在住者で無い場合は連邦保健給付為替のサイトhttp://www.healthcare.gov にアクセスして下さい。その上、保険未加入者でヘルスケア適応対象のステータスの方に対してオペレーターが担当者にお繋ぎします。英語での詳細は1-800-318-2596にお掛けください。

家族構成数: Number of family members
もし納税申告上の収入が下記の金額以下であれば低所得者医療扶助制度適応の条件が満たされます。: You qualify for Medicaid if the income reported on your tax return is less than:
6+ 人以上は家族が一人増えるごとに$5,548加算: Add $5,548 for each additional family member

Important information about health insurance

for you and your family from

the Affordable Care Act

Kentuckians who are uninsured or self-employed now are able to buy health insurance through the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange called KYNECT. Some Kentuckians, depending on their income, also may be eligible for financial help to pay for this insurance. Others may qualify for Medicaid coverage (at no cost). Now health insurance cannot be denied or cancelled and the amount you pay cannot be based on your health condition.

You can enroll in these new options now. You only have to fill out one application through KYNECT to find out the insurance options and financial help (if any) available to you. Help is available online, over the phone or in person. You can find out more at www.kynect.ky.gov or by calling 1-855-459-6328. If you need help in a language other than English, tell the operator, and you will be connected to a translation resource.

If you are not a resident of Kentucky, your can go to the federal Health Benefit Exchange at: http://www.healthcare.gov Moreover, if you are unsure if you are eligible for health care due to your status, the operator will be able to connect you to someone who can help. For more information in English: 1-800-318-2596

Number of family members
You qualify for Medicaid if the income reported on your tax return is less than:
6+ Add $5,548 for each additional family member


一部の書類は英語と日本語になっています。スクロールダウンしすべての情報をご確認下さい: Some documents are in English and Japanese. Please scroll down page to find all information.

健康に関する情報: Wellness information

エクササイズプログラムの開始: Starting an exercise program

身体の働きのガイドライン: Physical activity guidelines

成人のための健康的な食事: Healthy eating for adults

子供に良い食品: Good food for kids

健康的な食生活を送る為のアジア食文化圏の食品ピラミッド: Asian Food pyramid for healthy eating

魚に含まれる水銀を避ける: Avoiding mercury in fish

健康的な体重を維持または継続する方法。: How to maintain and keep a healthy weight

健康のための手洗い方法: Hand washing for good health

健康のためのハーブ使用: Using herbs for your health

よい睡眠をとる方法: What to do to sleep better

よりよい健康のために禁煙するには: How to quit smoking for better health

腰痛を予防する方法: How to Prevent Back Pain

健康的な背中のための体操: Exercising for a healthy back

緊急時のための対策: How to plan for an emergency

緊急時に停電になった場合: Losing electricity during and emergency

妊娠と育児: Pregnancy and Child Care

健康的な妊娠: A healthy pregnancy

妊娠中の胎児と母体の変化: Changes to your baby and your body during pregnancy

出産前のケア: Prenatal Care

妊娠中の運動: Exercising during pregnancy

出産前にしておくこと: Planning ahead for the birth of your baby

妊娠中の心配と不安: Concerns and discomforts during pregnancy

子供のかかりつけ医の選択: Choosing a doctor for your baby

担当医師に連絡するとき: When to call the doctor for your baby

誕生直後の赤ちゃんに見られる物理的特長や行動: Features and behaviors you may notice in your baby soon after birth

母乳育児の基本: Breastfeeding Basics

母乳育児のトラブル: Breastfeeding problems

ミルクの飲ませ方: Bottle feeding information

泣いている乳児への対応: How to take care of a crying baby

帝王切開後の回復: Recovery after Caesarean birth

産後の回復: Recovery after vaginal birth

産後の感情の変化: Emotional changes after giving birth

チャイルドシートとブースターシートの安全な使用方法: Safety with Car seats and booster seats

子供の安全チェックリスト: Child safety checklist

日本語による医療情報 その2: Japanese Health Information Part 2

一部の書類は英語と日本語になっています。スクロールダウンしすべての情報をご確認下さい: Some documents are in English and Japanese. Please scroll down page to find all information.

患者の情報: Patient Information

行動医療: Behavioral Health

慢性病(糖尿病、癌、心臓病、高血圧): Chronic Disease (diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure)

癌(検診と診断): Cancer (Screening and diagnosis)

生殖医療: Reproductive Health

口部医療: Oral Health

癌 - Cancer

女性のための癌検診プログラム- Woman's Cancer Screening Program

電話番号- 502-564-3236

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 800-4- CANCER (800-422-6237)

ジェームス グラハム ブラウン 癌センター: James Graham Brown Cancer Center

電話番号- 502-562-4158

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 866-530-5516

ケンタッキー癌プログラム- Kentucky Cancer Program

ケンタッキー東部 電話番号 - East Kentucky: 859-219-0772

ケンタッキー西部 電話番号-West Kentucky: 502-852-6318

ケンタッキー大学- Markey Cancer Center

マーキー癌センター: University of Kentucky

電話番号- 859-257-4488

子供の健康: Children's Health

チャイルド ケア ホットライン: Child Care Hotline

通話料金着信者払いサービス- 877-281-5277

特別保健医療が必要な子供のための委員会 - Commission for Children with Special Healthcare Needs

電話番号- 502-429-4430

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 800-232-1160

ファースト ステップス - First Steps

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 877-417-8377

新生児聴力検診 - Newborn Hearing Screening

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 877-757-4327


予防接種 - Immunizations

予防接種プログラム - Immunization Program

電話番号 - 502-564-4478


糖尿病 - Diabetes

糖尿病抑制および予防プログラム - Diabetes Prevention & Control Program

電話番号 - 502-564-7996

ケンタッキー糖尿ネットワークインコーポレート - Kentucky Diabetes Network, Inc.

電話番号 - 502-564-7996


低所得者のための家族及び子供健康保険 - Health Insurance for Low-Income Families & Children

ケンタッキーヘルス - Health Kentucky

電話番号 - 502-227-3158

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 800-633-8100

ケンタッキー子供健康保険プログラム - Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program (KCHIP)

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 877-524-4718

ケンタッキー医療サービス局 - Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 800-372-2973


精神衛生 - Mental Health

行動保健課 - Division of Behavioral Health

電話番号 - 502-564-4456

難聴者用ダイヤル - TTY 502-564-5777


ケンタッキーメンタルヘルス連合 - Kentucky Mental Health Coalition

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 877-894-0222

電話番号 - 502-564-5777


高齢者 - Older Adults

州の健康保険補助プログラム - State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)


ケンタッキー大学 - The University of KentuckySanders-Brown Center on Aging

サンダース-ブラウン エイジング センター : 859-257-1412


禁煙/肺疾患/喘息 - Smoking Cessation/ Lung Disease/ Asthma

ケンタッキアナ医療共同研究 - Kentuckiana Health Collaborative

電話番号 - 502-238-3601

ケンタッキー 禁煙ライン - Kentucky's Tobacco Quit Line

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669)


薬物乱用及びその予防 - Substance Abuse & Prevention

アルコール及び薬物乱用の電話相談サービス - Alcohol & Drug Abuse Hotline

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 800-221-0446

退役軍人保健 - Veterans Health

退役軍人局 - Department of Veterans Affairs

電話番号 - 502-564-9203

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 800-572-6245

東部ケンタッキーベテランズセンター - Eastern Kentucky Veterans Center

電話番号 - 606-435-6196

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 877-856-0004

難聴者用ダイヤル - TTY 606-435-6203

トムソンーフッド ベテランズ センター - Thomson-Hood Veterans Center

電話番号 - 859-858-2814

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 800-928-4838

西部ケンタッキーベテランズセンター - Western Kentucky Veterans Center

電話番号 - 270-322-9087

通話料金着信者払いサービス - 877-662-0008

難聴者用ダイヤル - TTYS270-322-9752

ヘザー フレンチ ベテラン 財団 - Heather French Foundation for Veterans

電話番号 - 585-392-0269