Brief Description: Through grant work, researchers were able to implement professional development on argument-based inquiry in science classrooms and study teachers' practices around "generating questions, staking claims and providing evidence, understanding epistemic practices of science and communicating their understandings to others."
More Voices from the Classroom: International teachers’ experience with argument–based inquiry.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Authors: Brian Hand, Lori Norton-Meier, and Jeong-joon Jang
Teacher roles of questioning in elementary science classrooms: A framework promoting student cognitive complexities in argumentation. Research in Science Education. 1-33.
Authors: Ying-Chih Chen, Brian Hand, and Lori Norton-Meier
Negotiation, embeddedness, and nonthreatening learning environments as themes of science and language convergence for English Language Learners. Studies in Science Education, 51(2), 201-249.
Authors: Yulia Ardasheva, Lori Norton-Meier, Brian Hand
Year(s): 2004- present
Researchers: Brian Hand, Lori Norton-Meier, Yulia Ardasheva
Collaborators: Jeong-joon Jang, Ying-Chih Chen