LinkedIn Learning For Educators
LinkedIn Learning offers the opportunity to collect and recommend learning contents through the CURATOR role. As a LinkedIn Learning curator, you will be able to create learning content (upload internal content and curate optimized learning paths), share content and get insights.
Yes! You can become a curator and be able to create learning paths or collections and to share those with your students and anyone within the University of Louisville.
YES! There are two useful tools that Linkedin Learning is offering to curators.
One is their Content Corner, a website curated by Linkedin Learning that highlights content by topic, trends and skills.
The other option is to request a personalized service of Content Mapping, which is the process of curating relevant LinkedIn Learning courses that match a set of data or information that you provide by completing this form.
Please note that the Digital Transformation Center is here to help you finding the right resource and to facilitate the process but are currently unable to provide specialized assistance.
Curators Can:
Collect and recommend learning content
Get insights: Measure the success of their programs with insights on views and completions.
Share Learning Paths: Learning paths are great ways to curate and share content with your learners.
Resources for Curators:
Linkedin Learning BLOG
LinkedIn Learning provides support to curators to help finding content aligned to a specific learning strategy or topic.
You can find their latest courses and learning paths, content mapping docs, and useful guides in their Course Content Corner.
In addition, you can request a personalized service of Content Mapping, which is the process of curating relevant LinkedIn Learning courses that match a set of data or information that you provide by completing this form.
*This service is offered by LinkedIn Learning, the Digital Transformation Center is just the facilitator of the process.