Smile Award Recipients


January - Kaitlyn S.

"Working with Kaitlyn is pure joyShe is one of those rare individuals that learns so quickly, then adds her own additional complements to everything she doesShe never fails to jump in and help even when she is not askedI have never seen her without a smile and a pleasant positive word for everyone she encounters... She represents the best of ULSD!”

February - AJ V.

“This employee goes above and beyond and is kind to everyone they encounter. They always have a smile on their face and are super positive.”


February - Charlene N.

"Charlene is the definition of a team player. She goes above and beyond her duties to ensure everything and everyone around her is taken care of. She takes the initiative in all clinic situations. She is kind hearted, listens to respond rather than to react.” 

March - Nathan D.

"Nathan is always humble and kind. He is an expert in IT. He never makes you feel stupid. In fact he helps you to try and understand the issue. He never questions why you are asking. He is so helpful!!"

April - Jessica H.

"Jessica has been at our front desk at Miller Clinic since 2018. Patients love her and trust her, and will often request to speak with her over the phone by name because she is so easy going and patient. She has been the glue that keeps our schedule running for years. Jessica is a valuable member of our team and I literally do not know how we would function without her. She does her job well and she always does it with a smile."

May - Robin B. 

"Robin has been a member of the ULSD family for many years. She consistently will do anything that is asked of her and continues to be a loyal employee. Robin loves UofL and the School of Dentistry and travels all over the country sharing that with prospective students. When they meet her, her passion for her work and ULSD is evident."

June - Sharon H.

"Sharon is so dedicated to her patients and her Team and to ULSD. She is a tremendous support to all that come in contact with her. Her ever-present gentle, kind spirit makes the day better for everyone!!

July - Chris C. 

"Chris works diligently to best assist our ULSD Students. He is intelligent, creative, and eager to do whatever he can to support students in achieving their academic and personal goals. He is an asset to ULSD Student Affairs."

August - Susan R.

"Susan has an open door and open heart. She takes on the responsibilities of handling the concerns, daily happenings and sometimes gripes of the entire department with humor and a smile. Thanks for all your hard work, Susan.”

September - Mike G.

"He is always very kind, prompt and helpful whenever the DMD clinic calls for supplies that are not on our weekly restock list! He is doing a wonderful job!” 

October - Genevieve P. 

"Genevieve is always available to answer questions that anyone has about insuranceShe also makes sure that all new employees have training on how to enter insurance into axiUmGen goes above and beyond to help anyone that needs help!"