Generative AI/ChatGPT Trainings

Teaching with ChatGPT

Additional Resources

For more information on how generative AI is impacting us today and updated list of resources, visit our Sharepoint site. You can also visit our resource page for how generative AI is being used in higher education.

The Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning is partnering with faculty and staff across the institution to consider how the rise of generative AI such as ChatGPT is shifting the landscape of teaching and learning.

We invite you to join the discussion by attending our continuing series of workshops. Each workshop showcases different focuses of how UofL educators and students are using AI/ChatGPT, as well as help participants brainstorm how they may engage with AI in their course development.

Upcoming Workshops: Save the date!

Using G-AI to Review Your Syllabus
Tuesday, August 13, 10-11:30 a.m. in the TILL Classroom, Ekstrom Library, 3rd Fl.

Participants will be guided through the process of using Generative AI (G-AI) to review and update their syllabi to include the creation of a G-AI policy. Through a combination of presentation, discussions and hands-on activities, educators will leave with an understanding of how to effectively use G-AI tools as well as a draft syllabus ready for further refinement.

We also invite you to attend our Course Syllabi - Peer Review Workshop to further refine your syllabus, also scheduled for August 13.

Sign up for G-AI Syllabus Workshop

Asynchronous Online Trainings

Artificial Intelligence: So, How Does it Work?
Self-paced, virtual

This training will look at some of the fundamental principles underlying artificial intelligence (AI) and explore its diverse applications across the educational landscape. We will also navigate some of the conversations relating to the ethical use of AI, discussing the limitations and considerations associated with this transformative technology.

Once you register, you will have six months to complete the self-paced, asychronous training.

Register Now!

Leveraging G-AI to Increase Productivity Self-paced, virtual

The integration of Generative AI (G-AI) into personal productivity strategies represents a transformative shift in how individuals manage and enhance their work output. G-AI leverages advanced algorithms to create and optimize a wide range of content thereby streamlining tasks that traditionally require significant human effort. In this on-demand training, you will explore ways to use G-AI to increase your personal productivity.

Register Now!


Contact Robin Zahrndt via or 502.852.8504.

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