CODRE Committees

Executive Committee

Is comprised of ten members: four officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Communications Director) and the six chairs of the standing committees. The Vice President for Institutional Equity, who serves as a resource to CODRE, shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

Chair: Dwayne Compton, Chief Diversity Officer and Assoicate Dean of Community Engagement and Diversity 

Vice Chair: Marian Vasser, Assistant Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Belonging, Office of Institutional Equity  

Interim Communications Director: , Director of Internal Communications, Office of Communications and Marketing

Treasurer: Wanda Long, Director of Finance, School of Public Health and Information Sciences

Standing Committees

Cardinal Anti-Racism Agenda Committee
Chair: Fannie Cox

Provides overall guidance and support to the Cardinal Anti-Racism Agenda (CARA). Additionally, it oversees the implementation of CARA through its five concerns committees, students, faculty, staff, residents/post-doctoral students, and administrators.

Communications and Marketing Committee
Chair: Maria Tinnell (Interim)

The Communications and Marketing Committee reports through the Communications Director and is responsible for the dissemination and publication of CODRE information to membership and the university community. Items the committee develops and maintains can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Annual report of accomplishments
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Orientation for new members, and new commissioner's handbook
  • Social media web presence
  • CODRE webpages

Listening Committee
Chair: TBD

The CODRE Listening Committee is a subcommittee of the Communications & Marketing Committee and is charged with gathering and disseminating concerns and information from the UofL constituencies. The committee also facilitates the Campus-Wide Listening Sessions throughout the academic year.

Diversity Programming Committee
Chair Leondra Gully

The Diversity Programming Committee is responsible for identifying and supporting programming for students, staff and faculty in collaboration with the community that supports an inclusive multicultural learning environment. The Diversity Programming Committee promotes diversity as a multi-faceted endeavor, and as such, the Diversity Committee may collaborate with other commission/university committees to accomplish their tasks. This committee's initiatives support multicultural education; instructional diversity development; programmatic efforts that enhance and strengthen student’s educational experiences; as well as diversity and social justice.

A subcommittee of Diversity Programming is the President’s Exemplary Multicultural Teaching and Staff Awards. The intent of the award is to honor multicultural teaching and engagement, through the utilization of teaching styles, culturally pluralistic and socially constructed ideals, course content and processes incorporating multicultural and global perspectives, and scholarship.

Campus Environment Team
Chair, Lee Gill — Office of Institutional Equity

The Campus Environment Team monitors the university’s provision of a safe and secure environment for all members of the campus community and plays active role in maintaining this environment through direct participation in programs and services.

The Campus Environment Team (in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Equity) advises the university president, relevant internal organizational structures and the Council on Post-secondary Education (CPE) by gathering information on diversity, campus climate and environmental issues from UofL faculty, staff and students. CODRE is instrumental in the internal and external dissemination of information on the campus climate and environment with regards to diversity issues and the monitoring of campus climate and diversity issues.