Campus-wide Listening Sessions

Campus-wide Listening Sessions

Let’s Talk!! The Commission on Diversity and Racial Equity (CODRE) wants to hear from the UofL Campus Community!

CODRE has hosted Campus-wide Listening Sessions to provide opportunities for students, staff and faculty to engage in discussion on topics relevant diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism. 

These listening sessions are held via TEAMS  on the first Wednesday of each month.  We encourage participation by all members of the University community.  Each session will focus on a discussion topic; however these sessions are also intended to be opportunities for the campus community to bring topics and issues.  

We look forward to hearing your voices at future listening sessions.

Below are the reports CODRE shared with the president and the executive team 

2021 Spring

Session #1: Black and or Latinx: Exploring Racial and Cultural Identity

Session #2: Retention within our non-white communities

Session #3: The Impact of Racism and Discrimination on Mental Health 

2021 Fall

Session #4: Returning to Campus During a Pandemic, What is Your New Normal?

Session#5: Work, Life, Balance

Session#6: “Student Mentoring by both faculty and staff: benefits and barriers”

1- 5 Listening Sessions Summary by Concern Groups

2022 Spring

Session #7: Our Next University President Search

Session #8: How is UofL developing future leaders?

Session #9: Student voices, is anyone listening? and “Paying for School - Obstacles, Barriers and Resources”.

1-9 Summary of Campus wide listening sessions pulled from the 2021-22 CODRE Annual Report   

Themes from Listening sessions 6-10             

2022 Fall

Session #10: As a campus community how can we support the work of diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Session #11 Let’s talk about how UofL supports people with disabilities”

Session #12 "How LGBTQ friendly is our campus community?"

2023 Spring

Session #13  “Internationalization of Our Campus” February 23, 2023

Session #14 “Supporting Caregiving Employees at UofL” March 23, 2023 

Session #15  "Community Engagement, Opportunities for Growth"

2023 Fall

Session #16 "How will UofL Recruit and Retain Diversity?"

Session #17 "How do Flexible and Remote Work Impact Equity at UofL?"

2024 Spring 

Session # 18"Protecting Free Speech and Community Well Being."

Session #19 "Lost in Legislation: What we have learned, need to learn and will do moving forward

2024 Fall