CIEHS Members Highlighted in UofLNews

University of Louisville environmental medicine researchers, including Drs. Aruni Bhatnagar, Sanjay Srivastava, Clara Sears, Bradford Hill, and Daniel J. Conklin, are investigating the impact of environmental factors on heart health. The National Institutes of Health has awarded them $11.6 million across four grants to explore various influences on cardiovascular health. Dr. Bhatnagar emphasizes the collaborative effort at the Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute, which aims to uncover the biological and environmental contributors to heart disease. Dr. Srivastava is studying benzene's effect on atherosclerosis with a $3.3 million grant, while Dr. Hill's $2.3 million project focuses on metabolic processes in heart scarring post-heart attack. Dr. Sears received $2.1 million to examine the impact of prenatal and infant exposure to pollutants on adolescent sleep health and potential cardiovascular issues. Dr. Conklin leads a $3.9 million study on the toxicity of new synthetic cooling compounds in e-cigarettes, investigating their cardiovascular and pulmonary effects, as well as the implications of dual use with conventional cigarettes.

Read the full article HERE.