CUSP Submission Checklists

The CIEHS Online CUSP Application Form will ask for several document uploads, since this form must be filled out during one session and can not be saved to finish at a later time please review the document checklist below before filling out the application form. In addition to uploading these documents, you will need to answer a series of questions about the application regarding compliance and training (i.e. IACUC, IRB, etc.), RIG and core usage, application of research to the NIEHS Translational Research Framework and to CIEHS goals.

Small CUSP- Response to Reviewers (up to $1,500) Checklist

Medium CUSP- New Hypothesis Expansion (up to $5,000) Checklist 

Medium CUSP- IRB Preparation (up to $5,000) Checklist

Large CUSP- Supporting UofL NIEHS Base (up to $10,000) Checklist