Medium CUSP- New Hypothesis Expansion (up to $5,000) Checklist

New Direction (medium) awards for up to $5,000 to cover costs associated with critical exploratory research and proof-of-concept studies needed by CIEHS members for hypothesis generation and grant submission. It is expected that funding these EHS-centric studies will lead to NIEHS grant submissions by the PI.

  1. If you are applying for a targeted medium CUSP, please state under section 2(d)–Additional Notes of the application, which area you are targeting (Precision Environmental Health, Mechanistic and Translational Toxicology or Environmental Justice and Health Disparities and Climate Change).
  2. PDF copy of a letter of support or email from the relevant shared resource facility core director addressing feasibility of proposed research (if applicable). If the CUSP award amount is not sufficient to cover all projected costs, please upload a pdf letter identifying committed sources of funding.
  3. PDF copy of the facility core quote, if applicable
  4. PDF copy of a budget justification
  5. PDF copy of a two-page research plan inclusive of background, future research plans if hypothesis is supported, and relevant references. 
  6. PDF copy of your bibliography citations
  7. PDF copy of your biosketch
  8. PDF copy of lay narrative of your project based upon NIH standards (see link and bullets below).

 NIH Narrative Standards:

  • Communicates the public health relevance of the project to the public
  • No more than 2-3 sentences
  • Use plain language understandable by a general audience
  • Describe how, in the short or long term, the research would contribute to: the fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems, and/or the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.