Small CUSP- Response to Reviewers (up to $1,500) Checklist

Response to Reviewers (small) awards for up to $1,500 to cover the costs associated with the research needed to finish out a project or address questions arising in manuscript revisions or grant resubmissions

  1. PDF copy of a letter of support or email from the relevant shared resource facility core director addressing feasibility of proposed research (if applicable). If the CUSP award amount is not sufficient to cover all projected costs, please upload a pdf letter identifying committed sources of funding.
  2. PDF copy of the reviewer or study section comments
  3. PDF copy of the manuscript or grant application to be revised
  4. <1 page PDF that explains what experiment(s) are proposed to respond to the review
  5. PDF copy of the facility core quote, if applicable
  6. PDF copy of a budget justification