Anthropology Undergraduate Internship Program FAQs
Anthropology Undergraduate Internship Program FAQs
What is the Anthropology Undergraduate Internship Program?
Internship means that you work for another organization as a student intern (either paid or unpaid), but the Anthropology Undergraduate Internship Program refers to not just the internship work experience, but also the academic side—the academic work required for ANTH 401 based on the internship.
What are the benefits of an internship?
Through internship, you can
- gain professional skills and experience, and apply knowledge learned from college to a practical setting
- enhance your resume
- obtain professional reference that may be needed for future careers.
Based on the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ surveys, students who have internship experience are more likely (than those who don’t) to get calls from prospective employers when seeking jobs.
Are there any prerequisites for the Anthropology Undergraduate Internship Program?
Yes. To register for ANTH 401, you must have the following:
- Either 45 credit hours, including 9 in the unit in which credit is sought, or 60 credit hours, including 6 in the unit in which credit is sought
- A minimum grade point average of 2.5 for all coursework taken
- A completed Application for Enrollment in Cooperative Internship Form (obtainable from the Undergraduate Internship Coordinator).
What is the time commitment needed to get credits for ANTH 401?
You will have to complete about 100-120 hours of work at the internship site and submit an internship portfolio to the Undergraduate Internship Coordinator, which is estimated to take 10-20 hours.
What does the internship portfolio include?
Your internship portfolio should include:
- a record of your hours and activities
- an internship journal (250 words for every 10 hours of work) where you reflect on your internship experiences
- work samples, such as a small project (or projects) for the agency where you are placed
- updated resume reflecting the internship experience
- a reflection essay.
Why is an internship portfolio required?
ANTH 401 is not graded based on your internship supervisor’s feedback alone, but also on what you have done as presented in the portfolio. Also, documenting your work is a very important part of professional life. Moreover, the portfolio can be used as sample work for future job interviews.
If I have an internship, do I have to take it for course credits?
While you are not required to register for course credits for your internship, it is highly recommended that you do so. ANTH 401 will make your internship more formalized, and it will require commitment from you and your employer. Should you get into any undesirable situations with your internship supervisor, UofL and the Undergraduate Internship Coordinator will work on your behalf to mitigate such situations when you sign up for course credits. Of course, if you sign up for ANTH 401, you will earn course credits for your internship, and it will show up not just on your resume, but also on your transcript (with a unique course title reflecting the strength of the internship).
Can I take the internship course multiple times?
Yes, you can enroll in ANTH 401 up to three times, but it is not recommended that you intern for the same work at the same organization multiple times.
When and how do I have to register for ANTH 401?
The registration for ANTH 401 is different from registration for regular courses. The deadline is flexible, and you will have to register through the Undergraduate Internship Coordinator using a special form.
Does an internship need to be with a nonprofit organization?
No. While many students have completed internships with nonprofits, you can also intern with the government, community groups, and corporations.
Are paid internships available? Can you still get course credits for them?
While paid internships are available, they tend to be less common and more competitive. If you do get a paid internship, you can still get course credits by signing up for ANTH 401 through the Undergraduate Internship Coordinator.
Who should I talk to about getting course credits for an internship?
Dr. Zhao, the Faculty Coordinator of the Undergraduate Internship Program. Send him your updated resume, unofficial transcript, and a description of your interests and career goals. If there are any particular internships that have caught your eye, let him know! His email is
Where have UofL students interned before?
Students have interned at many places in Louisville and beyond. On the Anthropology Department’s website, there is a dedicated space for undergraduate internships. At the end of the webpage, there is a list of potential internships with information on each one. Click here, or follow the link below: That is only a partial list of our previous internship sites, and you are not required to choose an internship site from the list.
Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to Dr. Zhao (
For more information, check out the Internships — Department of Anthropology website!