The online master’s in teaching and learning is a 30 credit hour program available as a general teaching and learning degree or with a focus in special education. Courses are asynchronous, delivered in standard term length. Please note that some specialization options may require additional credit hour and/or synchronous time commitments.
To meet graduation requirements, students in the Master of Education in Teaching and Learning program must complete a total of 30 credit hours. Additional electives may be required. Graduate students will work with their advisor to design an appropriate program to meet their professional needs.
EDAP 546 Mathematical Reasoning in K-12
Addresses knowledge and implementation of assessment concepts, methods of analyzing various types of student achievement data, and planning and implementation of appropriate instruction and interventions for diverse learners.
EDAP 550 History and Philosophy of Social Justice Education
This course provides a foundational examination of the theories, ideologies, and historical events that have shaped the landscape of social justice education, with a critical lens aimed at understanding both the progress made and the challenges that persist.
EDAP 600 Emerging Trends and Issues in Social Justice Education
Students in this course will analyze and understand how public schools are structured, functioned, and reproduced. Furthermore, they will explore how these characteristics of public schools result in different educational experiences for various student groups/populations, including their own personal and professional development as educators.
EDAP 637 Using Assessment to Improve Student Achievement
Addresses knowledge and implementation of assessment concepts, methods of analyzing various types of student achievement data, and planning and implementation of appropriate instruction and interventions for diverse learners.
EDAP 638 Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners
Investigation of differentiated, culturally relevant instructional strategies and materials to improve and manage instruction while integrating technology-enhanced practices to meet the needs of diverse learns in the 21st century.
EDAP 639 Education Research in P-12 Setting
Analysis of research in education relative to methodology and current research efforts in the field. Consideration given to understanding research design and the reading of research studies. Note: Cross-listed with EDSP 639.
EDAP 640 Cognitive Coaching
Addresses the advanced knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for teachers involved in coaching and/or mentoring relationships. The focus will be on using Cognitive Coaching to support reflective, self-directed teachers.
EDAP 646 Teaching Number and Algebraic Thinking in Elementary School
This course explores teaching and learning mathematics concepts and procedures throughout elementary school, such as subitizing, decomposing, basic fact fluency, place value, operations with multi-digit whole numbers, and algebraic thinking. Content reflects state and national standards.
EDAP 647 Teaching Data, Geometry and Measurement in Elementary School
This course explores effective teaching and learning of data, geometry and measurement concepts reflected in state and national standards. Emphasis is on a developmentally appropriate, culturally responsive approach to mathematics learning, teaching, and assessment.
EDAP 648 Teaching Fractions in K-5
This course enhances both mathematical understanding and teaching practices as they relate to fractions, decimals, and percents.In addition to a strong focus on conceptual understanding and procedural fluency, the course focuses on developing positive mathematical identities.
EDAP 650 Perspectives in Social Justice: Policy and Practice
Students in this course will examine how various external entities impact both the policy and practice(s) that occur in today’s schools. By critically examining these pressures, students will explore why minoritized students’ experiences vary from their counterparts.
EDAP 670 Networked Collaboration for Social Change
In this course, students will embark on a journey to harness the power of networked collaboration, reflective instruction, and advocacy for all students in the realm of education. Through a blend of interactive discussions, hands-on assignments, and critical analysis, students will develop a comprehensive toolkit to create meaningful change within their classrooms, schools, and broader educational contexts.
EDAP 677 Developing Collaborative Groups: Facilitating, Coaching and Mentoring
In this course, students will embark on a journey to harness the power of networked collaboration, reflective instruction, and advocacy for all students in the realm of education. Through a blend of interactive discussions, hands-on assignments, and critical analysis, students will develop a comprehensive toolkit to create meaningful change within their classrooms, schools, and broader educational contexts.
EDAP 681 Teacher Leadership in Practice
This course focuses on teacher knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for teachers to be leaders in their content field and within their classrooms and schools. Course includes development of teacher leadership skills, as well as implementing action research in one's content area to positively impact student learning opportunities.
EDAP 682: Math Coaching
This course engages teachers in using mathematics coaching to improve teaching, learning, and student achievement in mathematics. The course is organized around an instructional framework grounded in standards-based learning outcomes for students and research-based effective teaching practices.
EDSP 644 Applied Behavior Analysis
Students explore the principles and procedures in the field of applied behavior analysis. Observational methods, single subject designs, and behavior promotion, reduction, and generalization strategies are reviewed in relation to the needs of students with disabilities. Participants are required to develop individual project proposals that demonstrate their ability to design, implement, and evaluate behavioral programs in an effective and ethically responsive manner.
EDSP 669 Single Subject Research Methods and Designs
Prerequisite: EDSP 644. Students will learn principles and methods of designing single subject research in educational settings and are required to design and defend a research proposal.
EDSP 652 Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention
This course will teach students to design, work within, and evaluate academic and behavior systems across the entire school to prevent student failures in both the academic and behavior realms.
EDSP 653 Practicum in Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis
Prerequisite: EDSP 644, EDSP 646, EDSP 671, EDSP 650, and EDSP 651. This course is designed to guide students in the application of behavior analysis with students on the autism spectrum. Students will identify learning needs, develop instructional objectives, select and use behavioral measures, collect and analyze data, implement behavior change methods, design behavioral instructional plans, apply reinforcement-based change procedures and adhere to established ethical standards.
EDSP 687 Practicum/Action Research
Preparation of teachers in the development, implementation and evaluation of preschool programs for children with disabilities.