Menstrual Freedom Coalition

Menstrual Freedom Coalition

Mission: The Menstrual Freedom Coalition (MFC) is a coalition of campus and community partners, who come together dedicated to challenging period stigma and dismantling barriers. MFC promotes menstrual equity through resource-sharing, educational workshops and community building to empower individuals who menstruate to live their lives to the fullest. Period.

The Menstrual Freedom Coalition has three goals:

  • To educate campus and community partners about leadership approaches in menstrual equity
  • Building community invested in menstrual equity
  • Collectively increasing access to menstrual products through community-wide distribution

How to "get with the flow" and join the Coalition? 

Why is this important?

  • 1 in 10 college students experience period poverty.
  • THINX & PERIOD.'s 2019 State of the Period revealed that 4 in 5 students reported missing class or knowing someone who had missed class, due to not having access to menstrual products.
  • In a 2021 study published in BMC Women's Health, it was revealed that Black and Latina women reported experiencing the highest rates of period poverty among those sampled. 
  • According to a 2021 study titled State of the Period conducted by THINX and PERIOD., nearly 25% of students reported struggling to access menstrual products. In addition, 51% of students also reported wearing products for longer than recommended.
  • 1 in 5 menstruators from ages 13-19 have struggled to afford period products or were not able to purchase them at all.