Welcome Dr. Roberto Fernandez Morales, new Visiting Assistant Professor in Sociology
It is our pleasure to welcome Dr. Roberto Fernandez Morales, who will serve as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department for the 21-22 academic year. Dr. Morales recently graduated with his PhD in sociology from The Ohio State University with a dissertation focused on the influence social media has on the development of young adults’ political identity and political engagement. As Dr. Morales writes, “Understanding how young adults develop who they are politically is an important step to understanding the creation of progressive versus conservative identities. Further, the opportunity of studying populations that have been significantly affected by social media is a sociologically lush yet relatively untapped arena.” Dr. Morales will officially become a member of the department in August and will be teaching SOC 320 Social Theory and SOC 323 Diversity and Inequality this fall. Please join us in welcoming him to UofL!