REG - Request to Re-Enroll

This form is for students who were not enrolled in the most recent Fall or Spring semester who wish to continue in the same academic unit (A&S, Business, Education, etc.) in which they were last enrolled. 

Do you qualify to use this form?

1. Has it been less than two years since you last enrolled (ex: enrolling Fall 2025, need to have attended Fall 2023 or later)?

YES – continue to step question 2

NO – you do not qualify to use this form and must reapply through the Office of Admissions. 

         For an Undergraduate Admissions application, click here, for a Graduate Admissions application, click here.  

2. You are Are you continuing in the same academic unit (ex: Previously in College of Education and returning to College of Education)?

YES – continue to step question 3

NO – you do not need to complete this form.  Please complete the Change Major request form to be readmitted to a different academic unit.

3. Were you suspended or dismissed the last time you attended?

YES – you do not qualify for this form.  For Undergraduate students, you must complete an Admission Petition.  For Graduate students, please contact the Graduate School

NO – continue to step question 4

4. Were you a visitor from another institution the last semester you attended UofL?

YES – you do not qualify to use this form and must reapply through the Office of Admissions. 

           For an Undergraduate Admissions application, click here, for a Graduate Admissions application, click here.  

NO – continue to step question 5

5. Have you enrolled in another college since your last enrollment at UofL?

NO – go to step question 6 and complete the Request to Re-enroll form below

YES – Did you enroll as a visiting student?

           YES – go to step 6 and complete the Request to Re-enroll form below

           NO – you do not qualify to use this form and must reapply through the       Office of Admissions.  For an Undergraduate Admissions application,                                     click here, for a Graduate Admissions application, click here.  

Request to Re-Enroll

Semester for which request is being made: *

Semester for which request is being made:

Name *
Name under which you were last enrolled: *
Last Attended U of L: (Select 0ne) *
Career (optional)

Information provided on this form is provisional and is subject to change after audit. Changes may affect your residency classification for fee assessment purposes. Use of this form does not assure you of the classification indicated, nor does it release you from the obligation to pay additional fees if a residency audit results in a higher assessment than the one made at registration. Please read the affidavit statement before signing at the bottom of this form.

I understand that I am allowed to register provisionally based upon my assertion that the above information is accurate and true, and should that information not be valid, my registration will be canceled. Fees will be based on a tentative residency evaluation and will be subject to change.

Sign above

You will only be notified if you are not eligible to use this form.  If you are unable to enroll within two business days after registration has opened, contact

Graduate students may take longer due to the need for departmental approval.  If you are unable to enroll within five business days after registration has opened, contact

Please log into ULink to verify you do not have any holds on your account that would prevent registration.  If you need to reset your password, please visit, or contact the ITS HelpDesk at or 502-852-7997.

The Registrar's Office is open Monday through Friday from 9AM-5PM, except for University Holidays.