REG - Request to Re-Enroll
This form is for students who were not enrolled in the most recent Fall or Spring semester who wish to continue in the same academic unit (A&S, Business, Education, etc.) in which they were last enrolled.
Do you qualify to use this form?
1. Has it been less than two years since you last enrolled (ex: enrolling Fall 2025, need to have attended Fall 2023 or later)?
YES – continue to step question 2
NO – you do not qualify to use this form and must reapply through the Office of Admissions.
For an Undergraduate Admissions application, click here, for a Graduate Admissions application, click here.
2. You are Are you continuing in the same academic unit (ex: Previously in College of Education and returning to College of Education)?
YES – continue to step question 3
NO – you do not need to complete this form. Please complete the Change Major request form to be readmitted to a different academic unit.
3. Were you suspended or dismissed the last time you attended?
YES – you do not qualify for this form. For Undergraduate students, you must complete an Admission Petition. For Graduate students, please contact the Graduate School.
NO – continue to step question 4
4. Were you a visitor from another institution the last semester you attended UofL?
YES – you do not qualify to use this form and must reapply through the Office of Admissions.
For an Undergraduate Admissions application, click here, for a Graduate Admissions application, click here.
NO – continue to step question 5
5. Have you enrolled in another college since your last enrollment at UofL?
NO – go to step question 6 and complete the Request to Re-enroll form below
YES – Did you enroll as a visiting student?
YES – go to step 6 and complete the Request to Re-enroll form below
NO – you do not qualify to use this form and must reapply through the Office of Admissions. For an Undergraduate Admissions application, click here, for a Graduate Admissions application, click here.