The Multiverse – A Very Old Idea

When Apr 03, 2024
from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Where Monnik Beer Co., 1036 E Burnett Ave., Lousiville, KY 40217
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Multiverse ConceptSpeaker: Prof. C.M. Graney, Specola Vaticana

Abstract: The multiverse is an idea that is very popular, appearing in books by real scientists and in blockbuster movies that have little in common with either science or reality. It turns out to be a pretty old idea, one that goes way, way, way back... and one that is appealing because of how it solves (or not) a pretty interesting problem in a way that leaves us human beings with lots of room for our imaginations to roam. This talk will focus on a few specific ideas about the multiverse - from ancient times, to the dawn of the Copernican Revolution, to the late 19th century.


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