History of Hubble

When Nov 03, 2021
from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Where Monnik Beer Co., 1036 E Burnett Ave., Louisville, KY 40217
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NASA Hubble Space Telescope

PALS 2021/22

Speaker: J.T. Lauroesch, Ph.D. (University of Louisville)

Abstract:The history of the Hubble begins in 1946 with the vision of Lyman Spitzer Jr, who continued to champion a large space telescope until its launch.  Congressional approval of the large space telescope occurred in 1977.  The launch of the now named Hubble space telescope in 1990 was followed by the disappointment of the discovery of spherical aberration in the primary mirror.  The first servicing mission installed corrective optics, subsequent servicing missions have installed updated and repaired existing instruments.  The rich history as shown through Hubble images will be explored.

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