Peter Plavchan - Newly Formed Planets within the Debris Disk of a Nearby Pre-main-sequence Star

When Nov 22, 2019
from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Where Natural Science 112
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Contact Phone (502)-852-0915
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Speaker: Peter Plavchan, George Mason University

Abstract: We will present the discovery of a two-planet system orbiting a nearby young star with a debris disk. One inner planet is discovered using data from NASA’s TESS mission and a second planet with multi-wavelength radial velocities. The two newly identified planets in this system can be used to investigate disk-planet interactions and inform the planet formation and migration process. We will present how this planetary system was found, primarily utilizing the near-infrared radial velocity technique we have developed using the iSHELL spectrometer on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. We will also discuss the effects of stellar activity and how multi-wavelength Doppler velocities may allow us to mitigate its effects in our search for planets with the Doppler technique.