Galaxy Evolution

When Nov 05, 2015
from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Where Natural Science 112
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Contact Phone (502)-852-1986
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Speaker: Lutz Haberzettl

Abstract: Understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies is key in understanding the formation and evolution of the Universe as a whole, including our own origins. The stars, gas, and dust in galaxies undergo complex evolutionary cycles. I present some of our work at UofL, which is mainly focused on the study of strongly star-forming galaxies at an epoch where the Universe was about 15-20% of its current age or only 2-3 billion years old. I will give an inside in the work of our team and demonstrate how we utilize high quality data observed by world leading ground- and space based telescopes such as the Very Large Telescope at the European Southern Observatory, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Herschel Satellite.