Building Codes

Building Code Official Building Name Common Name Address
100 Archaeological Survey/Transportation Building Archaeological Survey/ Grounds Maintenance Shop 1820 Arthur Street
085 Baptist Center Baptist Campus Center 2015 S. First Street Walk
111 Bass Rudd Tennis Center Bass Rudd Tennis Center 2311 S. Floyd Street
125 Belknap Academic Building Belknap Academic Building 201 E. Shipp Street Walk
128 Belknap Village North  Belknap Village North 2015 Lyon St. Walk
129 Belknap Village South Belknap Village South  121 E. Centennial Walk
39S Beta Theta Pi Fraternity Beta Theta Pi Fraternity 2038 Unity Place
094 Bettie Johnson Hall Bettie Johnson Hall 0401 W. Cardinal Blvd
017 Bingham Humanities Building Bingham Humanities 2216 S. First Street Walk
002 Bennett M. Brigman Hall Brigman Hall 2311 S 3rd Street
75A Bus Station Floyd St Garage Bus station Floyd St- included in parking garage 2126 S. Floyd Street
76C Cardinal Park Field Hockey Press Box Cardinal Park Field Hockey Press Box 0317 University Boulevard
76B Cardinal Park Soccer/Track Stadium Cardinal Park Soccer/Track Stadium 2125 S. Floyd Street
76A Cardinal Sportplex Cardinal Sportplex 2125 S. Floyd Street
121 Cardinal Station Cardinal Station 0215 Central Avenue
043 Urban & Public Affairs Center for Urban & Economic Research - CUER 0426 W. Bloom Street
036 Chemistry Building Chemistry Building 2320 S. Brook Street
39N Chi Omega Sorority Chi Omega Sorority 2018 Unity Place
090 Harry Frazier Hall College of Business - CBPA - Frazier Hall 0110 W. Brandeis Ave
084 Woodford R. and Harriett B. Porter Building College of Education & Human Development College of Education - Porter Building 1905 S. 1st  Street
039 Community Park Community Park Dorm 2033 S. 4th Street
216 Conn Center Science Garage Conn Center First Kentucky Trust Company 2929 S. Floyd Street
206 Crawford Gym  Crawford Gym 220 Intramural Place
39G Cultural Center Cultural Center - Minority Affairs 0120 E. Brandeis Ave
087 Philip & Jane Davidson Hall Davidson Hall 2010 S. First Street Walk
39T Delta Zeta Sorority Delta Zeta Sorority 2104 Unity Place
130 Denny Crum Residence Hall Denny Crum Residence Hall
029 Russell E. Dougherty Hall Dougherty Hall 0333 Eastern Parkway
75C DPS - 2nd Location (CREDIT UNION) DPS - 2nd Location (CREDIT UNION)
028 Duthie Center for Engineering Duthie Center 0222 Eastern Parkway
009 William F. Ekstrom Library Ekstrom Library 2215 S. 3rd Street
037 Engineering Graphics  Engineering Graphics 2531 S 3rd St
107 Environmental Health & Safety Building Environmental Health & Safety Building - EHS 1800 Arthur Street
107A Environmental Protection Service Center Environmental Protection Service Center 1810 Arthur Street
033 Robert Craig Ernst Hall  Conn Center for Renewable Energy  Research Ernst Hall 0216 Eastern Parkway
109 Howard Schnellenberger Football Complex Facilities Building - Football Training Complex 2770 S. Floyd Street
079 Development and University Relations Building Fairfax Building 2323 S. Brook Street
075 Floyd Street Parking Garage Floyd Street Parking Garage 2126 S. Floyd Street
007 Arthur Y. Ford Hall Ford Hall 2222 W. Centennial Walk
98A UofL Athletics Broadcast Center Former Belknap Operations/Central Receiving 1900 Arthur Street
49A Frat Complex A  Frat Complex A  2108 Unity Place
49B Frat Complex B Frat Complex B 2108 Unity Place
49C Frat Complex C Frat Complex C 2108 Unity Place
049 Fraternity Complex  Fraternity Complex  2108 Unity Place
008 Clarence R. Gardiner Hall College of Arts & Sciences Gardiner Hall 2224 W. Centennial Walk
010 Louis Gottschalk Hall Gottschalk Hall 2226 W. Centennial Walk
001 H. Charles Grawemeyer Hall Grawemeyer Hall 2301 S. 3rd Street
101 Grounds Services Grounds Services 1704 S. Floyd Street
25A Overseers Honors House Honors House 2211 S. First Street Walk
081 John Marston Houchens Building Student Services Center Houchens Building 2211 S. Brook Street
071 Studio Arts/HSC Advising Center HPES 2314 S. Floyd Street
069 Humana Gymnasium Humana Gymnasium 0601 Presidents Blvd
015 Administrative Annex Institute for International Development 2309 S. 3rd Street
086 Interfaith Center Interfaith Center 2201 S. First Street Walk
041 George L Brodschi Hall International Center International Center 2218 W. Centennial Walk
098 Inventory Control/Stockroom/Central Receiving Inventory Control/Stockroom 1901 Floyd Street
030 James B. Speed Building Speed School of Engineering JB Speed 0220 Eastern Parkway
77A J. Stoddard Johnston Scholar House Johnston Scholar House 2301 Bradley Avenue
006 Edward Stockton Jouett Hall Jouett Hall 2220 W. Centennial Walk
092 Herman and Heddy Kurz Hall Kurz Hall 1900 S. 4th Street
112 LaCrosse Field LaCrosse Field
39W Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity 2100 Unity Place
019 Brandeis School of Law Law School - Wyatt Hall 2219 S. 3rd Street
155 Lee Street Building Lee Street Building 0425 W. Lee Street
018 Life Sciences Building Life Sciences 0214 W. Barbee Street Walk
045 Louisville Hall Louisville Hall Dorm 0318 W. Brandeis Avenue
023 Paul C. Lutz Hall Lutz Hall 0200 E. Shipp Street Walk
76E Cardinal Park Marshall Center Marshall Center 0317 University Boulevard
013 David Alexander McCandless Hall McCandless Hall  - SPI 2315 S. 3rd Street
304 McDonald Soccer Field McDonald Soccer Field 2301 S. Floyd Street
104 Mechanical/Electrical Services Mechanical/Electrical Services 1810 S. Floyd Street
038 Lee P. Miller Hall Miller Hall Dorm 2005 S. First Street Walk
046 Billy Minardi Hall Minardi Hall Dorm 2040 S. 4th Street
021 James G. & Jesse Miller Information Technology  Center MITC - Miller Information Technology  Center 2315 S. First Street Walk
091 Walter L. Moore Observatory Main Building Moore Observatory Solar House 8000 Old Zaring Rd
083 School of Music Music School 0105 W. Brandeis Ave.
012 Ralph Wright Natatorium Natatorium 2216 S. Floyd Street
034 Natural Sciences Building Natural Sciences 0215 Eastern Parkway
01A North Information Center North Information Center 2000 S. First Street Walk
102 Northeast Services Building Northeast Services Building 1700 S. Floyd Street
005 Julius John Oppenheimer Hall Kent School of Social Work Oppenheimer Hall 2217 S. 3rd street
76B Owsley B Frazier Cardinal Park [Softball Field]  Owsley B Frazier Cardinal Park [Softball Field] 2121 S Floyd St
103 Paint Shop Paint Shop 1702 S. Floyd Street
108 Cardinal Stadium Papa John's Cardinal Stadium 2800 S. Floyd Street
035 Parkway Field  Parkway Field  100 W Eastern Pkwy
113 Jim Patterson Baseball Stadium Patterson Baseball Stadium 3015 S. 3rd Street
003 John L. Patterson Hall Patterson Hall 2313 S 3rd Street
39U Phi Kappa Tau  Phi Kappa Tau  2106 Unity Place
39X Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity 2106 Unity Place
040 Gheens Science Hall Rauch Planetarium Planetarium 0106 W. Brandeis Avenue
011 The Belknap Playhouse Playhouse 1911 S. 3rd Street
48B POD Store  (old Sub Hub) @ UTA- ARAMARK POD Store  (old Sub Hub) @ UTA- ARAMARK
095 Amelia Place President's Home 2515 Longest Avenue
154 Print Shop Print Shop 2801 S. Floyd St
39I George J. Howe Red Barn Red Barn 2011 S. Brook Street
042 Reynolds Building  Reynolds Building 2500 S 3rd St
044 Robbins Hall Robbins Hall 112 W Shipp St
031 Frederic M. Sackett Hall Sackett Hall 0332 Eastern Parkway
020 Evelyn Schneider Hall Schneider Hall 2300 S. First Street Walk
114 Scholar House - Building "A" Scholar House - Building "A" 0401 Reg Smith Circle
80A Service Complex Service Complex 2215 S. Brook Street
004 John W. Shumaker Research Building Shumaker Research Building 2210 S. Brook Street
39Q Sigma Chi Fraternity Sigma Chi Fraternity 2030 Unity Place
39V Sigma Kappa Sorority Sigma Kappa  Sorority 2026 Unity Place
39R Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity 2034 Unity Place
310 Dr. Mark & Cindy Lynn Stadium Soccer Stadium 2525 S. Floyd Street
124 Soccer Stadium Facility Building Soccer Stadium Facility Building 0337 Byrne Avenue
76D Koetter Softball Batting Cages Softball Batting Cages 2101 S. Floyd Street
076 Cardinal Park Ulmer Stadium Softball Field 2101 S. Floyd Street
36A Solvent Storage Bldg Solvent Storage Bldg 2320 S Brook St
165 Brook Street Warehouse Southern Kitchens 1601 South Brook Street
093 Stadium Athletic Building Stadium Athletic Building 0937 Phillips Lane
070 Steam and Chilled Water Plant Steam and Chilled Water Plant 2301 S. Brook Street
027 Guy Stevenson Hall Stevenson Hall 0101 E. Centennial Walk
088 Woodrow Mann & Florence Strickler Hall Strickler Hall 2010 S. Avery Court Walk
016 Donald C. & Lavinia L. Swain Student Activities Center Student Activities Center (SAC) 2100 S. Floyd Street
123 Student Recreation Center Student Recreation Center 2030 S. 4th Street
082 Student Services Annex Student Services Annex 2207 S Brook St
106A GE First Build Tafel warehouse GE First Build-SF incl'd with 106 0303 E. Brandeis Avenue
106B GE First Build Tafel warehouse GE First Build-SF incl'd with 106 0333 E. Brandeis Avenue
106 Human Resources Tafel Warehouse Human Resources 1980 Arthur Street
106C Additive Manufacturing Competency Center Tafel Warehouse-SF incl'd with 106 1940 Arthur Street
106D Speed Engineering Garage Tafel Warehouse-SF incl'd with 106 1960 Arthur Street
48A The Ville Grill The Ville Grill 0300 W. Brandeis Avenue
014 Planet Fitness Kueber Center The YUM! Center 2432 S. Floyd Street
108A Thornton's Academic Center for Excellence Thornton's Academic Center for Excellence 2500 S Floyd St
024 Hilda Threlkeld Hall Threlkeld Hall Dorm 0121 E. Centennial Walk
24A Threlkeld Hall Honors Program Threlkeld Hall Honors Program 120 E Barbee St
109A Trager Center Trager Center 2600 S. Floyd Street
39O Triangle Fraternity Triangle Fraternity 2022 Unity Place
47 Johnny Unitas Tower Unitas Tower Dorm 1901 S. 1st Street
022 Malcolm B. Chancey, Jr. University Club & Alumni Center University Club 0200 E. Brandeis Avenue
089 University Planning Design & Construction UPDC 0421 W. Cardinal Blvd.
048 University Tower Apartments UTA 2000 Unity Place
099 Henry Vogt Building Vogt - CAE 0334 Eastern Pkwy
032 William S. Speed Building W.S. Speed 0218 Eastern Parkway
01B West Information Center West Information Center  (Oval) 2307 S. 3rd Street
59C Abell Administration Center Abell Administration Center 0323 E. Chestnut Street
50A U of L Hospital Ambulatory Care ACB 0550 S. Jackson Street
55H 620 Garage 620 Garage 0620  E. Muhammad Ali
55A School of Medicine Tower A Building 0319 Abraham Flexner Way
58A Norton Healthcare Pavilion Alliant Medical Pavilion 0315 E. Broadway
55E Donald E. Baxter Biomedical Research Building Center Baxter I 0570 S. Preston Street
55F Delia B. Baxter Biomedical Research Building Baxter II 0580 S. Preston Street
50R J. Graham Brown Regional Cancer Center Brown Cancer Center 0529 S. Jackson Street
059 Carmichael Bldg Carmichael Bldg 512 Hancock St
50C U of L Hospital Concentrated Care CCB 0545 S. Jackson Street
54E Chestnut Street Parking Garage Chestnut Street Parking Garage 0414 E. Chestnut Street
57C Cardiovascular Innovation Institute CII 0302 E. Muhammad Ali Blvd
152 Cressman Center for Visual Art Cressman Center for Visual Art (leased) 0100 E Main Street
55G Kosair Charities Clinical and Translational Research Building at the University of Louisville CTR 0505 S. Hancock Street
053 Developmental Biology Research Program Developmental Biology Building 0500 S. Floyd Street
57D Doctors Office Building Doctors Office Building
58B Arthur Keeney House Former Brown Foundation Building 0132 E. Gray Street
57E University of Louisville Dialysis Center former Healthsouth- Ambulatory Surgery Center 0614 E. Chestnut Street
52B 522 East Gray Street Building Former Home of the Innocents bldg 2 0522 E. Gray Street
054 U of L Physicians Outpatient Center HCOC -  Health Care Outpatient Center 0401 E. Chestnut Street
54G University Fitness Center HSC HSC Exercise Facility- S.F. included with 054E 0416 E. Chestnut Street
55B Health Sciences Building HSC Instructional Building 0500 S. Preston Street
59U Jewish Doctor's Office Building Jewish Doctor's Office Building 100 E Liberty
59R Kidney Disease Building KDP Building 0615 S. Preston Street
55D Health Sciences Library and Commons Kornhauser Library 0540 S. Preston Street
59D Kosair Charities Pediatric Center Kosair Charities Pediatric Center 0571 S. Floyd Street
056 KY Lions Eye Research Center KY Lions Eye Building 0301 E. Muhammad Ali Blvd
59A Lampton Building Lampton Building (Ky One) 0535 S. Hancock Street
051 Medical Dental Research Building MDR 0511 S. Floyd Street
54F Nucleus Innovation Park Downtown - Broadway Med Center One 0501 E. Broadway
54H Nucleus Innovation Tech Center-Jefferson Street Med Center Three -Jefferson St 0201 E. Jefferson Street
54I Nucleus Innovation Chestnut Med Center Two - Chestnut St 1044 E. Chestnut Street
052 Medical Dental Apartments Med-Dent Apartments 0627 S. Preston Street
058 Raymond E. Myers Hall Myers Hall 0129 E. Broadway
153 Mental Health Clinic NIA Center (leased) 2900 W. Broadway
52A Non-Dorm Side of Bldg Non-Dorm Side of Bldg
209A Garvin Brown III Rowing Facility Rowing Facility 1321 River Road
57 Research Resources Center RRC 0301 Abraham Flexner Way
59T Rudd Heart & Lung Center Rudd Heart & Lung Center (Leased) 0201 Abraham Flexner Way
55C School of Dentistry School of Dentistry 0501 S. Preston Street
59B K Building School of Nursing 0555 S. Floyd Street
59P School of Public Health and Information Sciences School of Public Health and Information Sciences 0485 E. Gray Street
060 Rollins S. Burhans Hall Burhans Hall 0440 N. Whittington Pkwy
063 Founders Union Kentucky Southern College Alumni Hall Founders Union Ky Southern College Alumni Hall 0450 N. Whittington Pkwy
065 Center for Predictive Medicine Center for Predictive Medicine 0950 N Hurstbourne Pkwy