Brief Description: A focus on understanding the language and literacy development of young children is central to the work we do in the ECRC. With our focus on interdisciplinary perspectives of the development of young children, this provides a unique opportunity for us to disseminate a variety of research studies including this body of work by ECRC researcher, Dr. Jessica Hardy that explores a systematic skills approach to early literacy instruction.
What equivocal data from single case comparison studies reveal about evidence-based practices in early childhood special education. Journal of Early Intervention, 38, 79-91.
By: Jessica K. Hardy, Mary Louise Hemmeter, Hannah Barton, Jordan Seabolt, Jennifer R. Ledford, Erin E. Barton, Katie Elam, Meredith Shanks, Ann Kaiser
Examining embedded constant time delay to teach early literacy behaviors to preschoolers.
By: Jessica K. Hardy, Mary Louise Hemmeter
Comparing the effects of embedded and didactic instruction on literacy skills of preschoolers.
By: Hannah Barton, Jessica K. Hardy, Mary Louise Hemmeter
Constant time delay embedded into small group literacy activities and the impact of observational learning. Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA
By: Jessica K. Hardy, Mary Louise Hemmeter
Constant time delay embedded into small group literacy activities and the impact of observational learning. The Division for Early Childhood Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO
By: Jessica K. Hardy