Brief Description: Digital storytelling in the writing workshop is a publishing method that provides children opportunities to express their ideas beyond traditional schooling means. Additionally, multimodal publishing allows students to access the writing curriculum as they are able to demonstrate their learning outside restrictive, language-only practices.
Book Chapter
Digital observers, explorers and teachers in preschool.In Meyer, R.M. & Whitmore, K.F. (Eds.) Reclaiming Early Childhood Literacies: Narratives of Hope, Power, and Vision. New York, NY: Routledge. Authors: Kathryn F. Whitmore and Emily Zuccaro
"Let's be MERMAIDS!" Dreaming, creating, and reimagining ourselves in the world through a digital media writer's workshop in early elementary classrooms. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington, D.C. Presenters: Lori Norton Meier and Emily Zuccaro
Year(s): 2016- present
Researchers: Kathryn F. Whitmore, Lori Norton Meier, Emily Zuccaro