Blackboard Recommended System Requirements

Most PCs built in the last four to six years should work with Blackboard with no issues assuming the PC is regularly maintained and guarded from viruses and spyware. The following are a list of recommendations when using Blackboard.

Get ready for your online courses

  Windows Mac
Personal computer With administrative rights (the ability to download software and change security settings) With administrative rights (the ability to download software and change security settings)
Broadband Internet connection Speed of 512 kb/s or higher for DSL or 1 Mbps or higher for (upload) cable connection Speed of 512 kb/s or higher for DSL or 1 Mbps or higher for (upload) cable connection
Operating system Windows 10 Mac OS 12 and 13
Microsoft Office 2013 or higher (see details below about Office 365) iWork or Microsoft Office (see details below about Office 365)
Browsers Firefox, Chrome, Edge Safari; however Firefox and Chrome are recommended
Hardware Desktop or Laptop Desktop or Laptop
Webcam Internal or external with microphone Internal or external with microphone

Tablet and Mobile Support

Device Operating System Browser Supported Browser Version(s)
Android™ Android Chrome Latest
Apple iOS® Safari, Chrome The latest minor or point release of the most recent two major versions of iOS.
Windows Windows 10 and 11 Chrome, Firefox, Edge Latest of all browsers, except for Microsoft Internet Explorer (not supported) and Firefox ESR

Office Productivity Software

While the software you will need will vary by course, it is likely that you will need office productivity software such as the Microsoft Office Suite. UofL and Microsoft have added a new program that provides a free version of Office for enrolled students. Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus includes applications like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote and more, including 50GB of cloud storage in OneDrive. The program allows currently enrolled students to install Microsoft Office 365 on up to five devices including PCs, Macs, phones or tablets. Additional software can be purchased through the information technology store, iTech Xpress. You must be an enrolled student to access the store.

You can test whether you have recommended and necessary components by performing the following steps:

  1. Login to the UofL Blackboard home page
  2. Scroll to the General Resources module
  3. Click on the Browser Checker
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