Ted Smith, Ph.D., & J. Christopher States, Ph.D., interviewed for their work on wastewater analysis

Drs. Ted Smith and J. Christopher States were featured on KET's "Kentucky Edition" to discuss testing wastewater to reveal what bacteria, toxins and viruses are present, in hopes of shedding light on the health conditions of Louisville citizens. Click on the link HERE to view the full interview at 12:40 time mark
This KET interview stemmed from a UofLNews article discussing their work on wastewater analysis. Dr. Smith highlighted their pioneering efforts in utilizing wastewater to track infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, and their ability to anticipate increases in infections ahead of clinical results. Dr. States emphasized the broader potential of wastewater analysis, aiming to identify various pathogens, contaminants, metals, and substances in the sewers to map Jefferson County's exposome and investigate correlations between exposures and health risks. Read full article