June 2024 Member Grant Awards

Congratulations to the CIEHS members who had new grants, supplements and competitive renewals activated/awarded in the month of June 2024! Below is a list of the new awards. We are so proud of all the hard work of our CIEHS members. You truly are making UofL a nationally recognized premier metropolitan research University and promoting interdisciplinary collaborative research in our Center!

PI Name Other Investigator Long Title Sponsor Amount
Cave, Matthew C. A Novel Mouse Model to Define Mechanisms of PFAS-Induced Adverse Human Health Effects. Boston University $10,664.00
Conklin, Daniel Riggs, Daniel;
Srivastava, Sanjay
Mechanisms of Inhaled Combustion Product-Induced Cardiopulmonary and Systemic Toxicity US Department of Defense DOD $782,366.00
Nabeta, Henry Palmer, Kenneth Edward KYNETIC: An intranasal spray as prophylaxis against mucormycosis (Black fungus) Univ of Kentucky Research Foundation $56,250.00
Huang, Jiapeng Correlation Between Noninvasive Blood Vessel Functionality Parameters and Cerebral Hemodynamics in Neurocritical Care Patients Mespere LifeSciences Inc $58,083.00
Total New Awards June 2024:  $907,363.00