November 2023 Member Grant Awards

Congratulations to the CIEHS members who had new grants activated/awarded in the month of November 2023!  Below is a list of the new awards.  We are so proud of all the hard work of our CIEHS members.  You truly are making UofL a nationally recognized premier metropolitan research University and promoting interdisciplinary collaborative research in our Center!

PI Name Other Investigator Long Title Sponsor Amount
El-Baz, Ayman Sabry Dibe Gondim, Dibson;
Giridharan, Guruprasad Anapathur;
Kong, Maiying
Generative-AI Based System for Accurate Prediction of Deceased Donor Liver-Transplant (DDLT) Outcome and Viability NIH National Institutes of Health $464,073.00
Jala, Venkatakrishna Rao Characterization of ARTX Compounds 413, 425P1, and 405A Artus Therapeutics $12,006.00
Total New Awards November 2023: $476,079.00