Community Report Back Folder
Substantial increases in smoking behaviors
- Dr. Luz Huntington-Moskos infographic on impact of COVID-19 on individual behavior and household exposure related to smoking. Vaping and Marijuana use among adults with asthma.
The Effect of Food Insecurity on Asthma Control in Adults During COVID-19
- Poster on the Effect of Food Insecurity on Asthma Control in Adults During COVID-19 infographic by Matthew Grande BS, Kamal M. Eldeirawi PhD RN FAAN, Luz Huntington-Moskos PhD RN, Barbara Polivka PhD RN FAAN, Sharmilee M. Nyenhuis MD FAAAAI
Mask use by Adults with Asthma in the Era of COVID-19
- Mask use by Adults with Asthma in the Era of COVID-19 infographic by B. Polivka,PhD, RN, FAAN; L. Huntington-Moskos, PhD, RN; S. Nyenhuis, MD; K. Eldeirawi PhD, RN, FAAN
Household Disinfectant Use in the Era of Covid-19 and Asthma Control among Adults with Asthma
- Household Disinfectant Use in the Era of Covid-19 and Asthma Control among Adults with Asthma Poster by Kamal Eldeirawi, PhD, RN; Luz Huntington-Moskos, PhD, RN, CPN; Sharmilee Marie Nyenhuis, MD; Barbara J. Polivka, PhD, RN, FAAN;
Household Disinfectant Use in the Era of Covid-19 and Asthma Control among Adults with Asthma
- Household Disinfectant Use in the Era of Covid-19 and Asthma Control among Adults with Asthma poster by Kamal Eldeirawi, PhD, RN; Luz Huntington-Moskos, PhD, RN, CPN; Sharmilee Marie Nyenhuis, MD; Barbara J. Polivka, PhD, RN, FAAN
Substantial increases in smoking behaviors photo
- Substantial increases in smoking behaviors photo of a cigarette and smoke
The Effect of Food Insecurity on Asthma Control in Adults During COVID-19 Photo
- The Effect of Food Insecurity on Asthma Control in Adults During COVID-19 photo
Mask use by Adults with Asthma in the Era of COVID-19 Photo
- Mask use by Adults with Asthma in the Era of COVID-19 visual graph
Household Disinfectant Use in the Era of Covid-19 and Asthma Control among Adults with Asthma
- Household Disinfectant Use in the Era of Covid-19 and Asthma Control among Adults with Asthma Graph
Mask Use Experiences, COVID-19, and Adults with Asthma: A Mixed-Methods Approach
- Mask Effects Scale items. Bars represent percentage of respondents (N = 501) indicating symptoms experienced/not experienced when wearing a mask
- Community Report Back
- Community Report Back
- Kelli Bullard Dunn, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.S.C.R.S.
CDC Environmental Hazards & Health Effects
- Link to the CDC's Environmental Hazards & Health Effects Information Page
NIH News in Health - Fighting Fatty Liver