Types of CUSP Awards:

(1) Response to Reviewers (small) awards for up to $1,500 to cover the costs associated with research needed to finish out a project or address questions arising in manuscript revisions or grant resubmissions.

(2a) New Hypothesis Expansion/Direction (medium) awards for up to $5,000 to cover costs associated with critical exploratory research and proof-of-concept studies needed for hypothesis generation and grant (re-) submission.

  • It is expected that funding these EHS-centric studies will lead to NIEHS grant submissions by the PI.

(2b) IRB Preparation Assistance (medium) awards for up to $5,000 to cover costs associated with assistance in IRB preparation.

(3) Supporting the Base (large) awards (up to 25% total costs capped at a $10,000 maximum) will be provided to subsidize already funded EHS research (for example NIEHS).