Reporting Requirements for CUSP Awardees

Reporting Requirements for CUSP Awardees:

CUSP awardees will be required to submit progress reports addressing:

  1. listing of poster and oral presentations
  2. grant applications which included subsidized research results
  3. trainees that were directly involved with the research
  4. copy/copies of the manuscripts (resubmitted/in-press/published)
  5. grant applications (submitted/funded/renewed)
  6. data sharing to the EHS research community
  7. cover page addressing how the expended funds addressed the gap in the research

Award reporting is commensurate with the award CUSP:

  1. small CUSP award - 12- month report
  2. medium CUSP award - annual 12- and 24-month reports
  3. large CUSP award - annual 12-, 24-, and 36-month

Failure to provide these reports may invalidate future CUSP submissions by the PI.

Research!Louisville Symposium- CUSP awardees agree to participate in a CIEHS symposium as part of Research!Louisville.