2021-22: CFA—Forms of Engagement, Scholarship & the Social Turn
Commonwealth Center for the Humanities and Society (CCHS)
CFA: 2021-2022
CCHS Bingham Faculty Fellowships
Scholarship & the Social Turn
Application Deadline: Monday, January 18, 2021

The Commonwealth Center for Humanities and Society is organized around an annual theme that provides the foundation for the Faculty Fellows Program, the academic year’s scheduled events, and for a Humanities Research Lab, involving a bi-monthly colloquium. The theme for the 2021-2022 academic year will be FORMS OF ENGAGEMENT: SCHOLARSHIP & THE SOCIAL TURN.
The social turn in humanistic research reimagines traditional scholarship as a site of engagement—and often confrontation—with the social and political world. It seeks to overcome the perceived gap between the concerns of academic research and the needs of the community and, in doing so, to articulate anew the value of the humanities inside and outside the university. The theme for 2021-2022 invites faculty to think about what engaged scholarship is. In its narrowest sense, it denotes collaborative research that enfranchises the community as co-producers of knowledge. More broadly, engaged scholarship explores, or exemplifies, how traditional forms of knowledge-production (including creative practices) can respond to the pressures of the social world in which we conduct our research. We seek proposals of both sorts, and we encourage projects that open up new ways of thinking about humanistic research as engaged scholarship.
The Commonwealth Center for Humanities and Society invites applications for up to six Internal Faculty Fellows around the selected theme for 2021-2022 Forms of Engagement: Scholarship & the Social Turn.
Fellows are required to be in residence during the academic year, to present one lecture or one workshop on their research, and to participate regularly in the activities and organization of the Humanities Research Lab while completing their own research projects.
Fellows will play a role in shaping CCHS programming for the academic year, from inviting distinguished guest speakers to finding innovative ways to share scholarship with our Arts and Culture Partners in the community.
Fellows will receive one course release.
Fellows will receive a supplemental research/travel stipend from CCHS estimated at $1,500.
Applications are due Monday, January 18, 2021, and require a current CV, a proposal of up to 1,000 words describing the project to be pursued while a Fellow, and a brief letter of support from the faculty member’s department chairperson.
Please email all materials to Brandon Harwood, CCHS Project Coordinator. Fellows will be appointed by the Dean, as recommended by the CCHS Advisory Board, and will be named in late January 2021.