Past Annual Lectures on Asian Democracy

2022 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy: “Democracy, Disinformation, and the Struggle for Historical Memory”
 with Sheila Coronel, Director of the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism, Columbia Journalism School

2019 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy #MeToo Movement in China: The Rise of Feminist Resistance" with Chinese gender equality & LGBTQ activist Li Maizi

2018 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy - "Xi Jinping's Third Revolution and the Future of U.S.-China Relations" with the Director for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations Elizabeth Economy

2017 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy - "Undercover in North Korea" with New York Times bestselling author Suki Kim

2016 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy "The Road to Political Reform in China" with the Director of the China Program at The Carter Center, Dr. Yawei Liu

2015 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy "Reflections on Myanmar’s Political Crisis: Buddhist Nationalism and Ethnic Violence" with the Founder of the Women’s Peace Action Network in Burma Activist and advocate for Rohingya refugees, Wai Wai Nu

2014 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy "To Fight Through Cartoons: Even My Pen Has a Stand" with Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial Cartoonist for the Lexington Herald-Leader, Zunar

2013 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy “In the Mouth of the Dragon: U.S. & China Relations in the 21st Century” with human rights activist and former political prisoner in China, Harry Wu

2012 Annual Lecture on Asian Democracy Reform in the ‘Golden Land’: U.S. Policy and Perspectives on Change in Burma” with Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma, Ambassador Derek J. Mitchell