Hite Art News

All news from Hite Art Institute, Department of Fine Arts

All news from Hite Art Institute, Department of Fine Arts

Interventions: Alivia Blade, J. Cletus Wilcox, and Ren Velez
September 12 - October 31, 2024
Not Yet / Always Been: An Archive of Queer Louisville
September 12 - October 31, 2024
it was not written down Stephen Irwin x Letitia Quesenberry
August 16 - October 5, 2024
MFA Galleries: Exhibitions
August 23-September 6, 2024
Origin Stories
July 13-August 9, 2024
Queer Art | Queer Archives
Symposium and Exhibitions
Spring 2024 BFA Thesis Exhibition
Thursday April 18 - May 8, 2024
2024 Scholastic Silver Key and Honorable Mention Exhibition
February 12 - March 9, 2024
MFA Graduates Exhibition
May 17 - July 3, 2024
Out There is What’s Left
February 23-April 20, 2024
Paired Influence: MFA Students Selections from the University Collection
January 11-February 2, 2024
Annual Student Exhibition
January 11-February 17, 2024
2023 Fall BFA Thesis Exhibition
November 16-December 13, 2023
Recent Relics
September 16-October 30, 2023
2023 Open Studio Louisville Juried Exhibition
October 13-November 18, 2023
Tiffany Calvert and Scott Massey Post-Sabbatical Exhibition
August 17-September 30, 2023
2023 Louisville Photo Biennial: Cressman Center
August 19-October 7, 2023
2023 Louisville Photo Biennial: Schneider Hall Exhibitions
October 5 - November 4, 2023
BELONGING: Community Work Spring 2023
On View: Recent Acquisitions