ATHENA Internal Steering Committee (ISC)


Craig Blakely

Dean, School of Public Health & Information Sciences

Emmanuel Collins

Dean, J. B. Speed School of Engineering

Michele Foster 

Professor and Endowed Chair in Urban Partnerships, College of Education and Human Development

Robert Fox

Dean, Libraries

Heather Fox 

University Archives & Special Collections, Libraries

Toni Ganzel

Executive Vice President for Academic Medical Affairs and Dean, School of Medicine

Kevin Gardner

Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation

Meg Hancock

Associate Dean for Student Success and Academic Affairs, College of Education and Human Development

Muriel Harris

Associate Professor, Department of Health Promotion & Behavioral Sciences, School of Public Health & Information Sciences

David Hein

Endowed Chair of Pharmacology, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology. School of Medicine 

Pawel Kozlowski

Professor of Chemistry, Arts & Sciences

Mary Elizabeth Miles 

Vice President for Human Resources

David Owen 

Dean, College of Arts & Sciences

David Schultz

Department of Biology, President of the Faculty Senate

 David Swanson

 Associate Professor and Chair of Mathematics, Arts & Sciences

Krista Wallace-Boaz

Professor of Piano and Pedagogy and Associate Dean, School of Music

Previous Chair of the Faculty Senate 

Wei Zhang

Professor and Chair, Computer Computer Science & Engineering, Speed School of Engineering