
ATHENA: Advancement through Healthy Empowerment, Networking, and Awareness

Advancement through Healthy Empowerment, Networking, and Awareness

UofL’s Journey with ATHENA Towards a More Inclusive STEM Community

The University of Louisville (UofL) ADVANCE Adaptation project called the Advancement through Healthy Empowerment, Networking, and Awareness (ATHENA) aims to enhance equity for STEM faculty of all genders.

The institution has conducted a comprehensive self-study to identify equity issues for STEM faculty by all genders and has drawn insights from successful practices employed by other ADVANCE grantees. Evidence-based strategies include:

Modifying the search, recruitment, and hiring practices by incorporating elements from the University of Michigan's Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Increase Diversity and Excellence (STRIDE);

Establishing a mentoring program for faculty at all career stages, with a specific focus on improving opportunities for mid-career promotion, drawing inspiration from Florida International University's Faculty Mentoring Program (FMP);

Integrating data collection to facilitate evaluation and monitoring efforts;

Raising awareness about biases affecting the advancement of all genders in STEM fields through theater-based workshops. The project's ultimate goal is to establish an ATHENA Center for STEM Equity, which will bolster UofL's institutional capabilities in STEM equity research and ensure the long-term efficacy of the strategies implemented through the ADVANCE Adaptation project.

The NSF ADVANCE program is dedicated to promoting gender equity by focusing on identifying and removing organizational barriers that hinder the full participation and advancement of diverse faculty in academic institutions. These barriers may exist in policies, processes, practices, as well as the organizational culture and climate. ADVANCE "Adaptation" awards provide backing for the adaptation and adoption of evidence-based strategies in both academic and non-academic nonprofit institutions of higher education.

    Funded by NSF-HRD-1936125

We extend a warm invitation for you to share your thoughts, questions, or suggestions with us via email as we believe in advancing through Healthy Empowerment, Networking, and Awareness. Your input is not only welcomed but highly valued, playing a crucial role in shaping our ongoing efforts. Whether you have feedback on our programs, ideas for improvement, or simply want to connect, we genuinely appreciate your engagement. Your emails serve as a direct line of communication, fostering a collaborative and vibrant community grounded in the principles of Advancement through Healthy Empowerment, Networking, and Awareness. Let's build a connection through the written word—email us today and be an integral part of our journey towards positive change. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Advancement through Healthy Empowerment, Networking, and Awareness